20: Hey!

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TBS is soo cute.

Anyways here is an update for ya shanks. Just for you.


As I was running to the Deadheads dodging boys and random objects lying on the ground, the moment with Newt kept playing on repeat in my head. 'How could you be so stupid (Y/N)! You can't be doing that sort of stuff now. We need to get out and you can't do that if your flirting with the second in command. If what Teresa said is true we better get out fast.'

When I reached the edge of the forest I stopped and looked into the darkness. I called for Thomas waiting for him to arrive and once he did he took his position next to me. I didn't notice that Alby, Clint and Newt were behind us watching. I looked at him and he looked at me. He gave me a firm nod and walked in with me following closely.


The only sounds were our feet crushing dead leaves and twigs. My heart was racing from being so nervous.

'What would I say to her? She's the one who said everything's going to change.'

Thomas was ahead of me trying to work his way through the shrubbery. I was stuck in my thoughts when Thomas suddenly stopped.

I almost ran into him but stopped myself short.

"Why did you stop?" I whispered.

He just held a finger up to his lips telling me to keep quiet. So I shut my mouth and moved up next to him. I looked in the direction he was looking only to see a hunched over figure by a tree. I could make out Teresa's black hair from here. That's the only thing that I could make out from here.

"What do we do now?" Thomas whispered.

I shrugged in response having no idea how to approach the black haired girl. 'What would I even say? Hi I'm (Y/n). Ya know the one you creeped the hell out of?'

I didn't realize that I was communicating telepathically to Teresa and Thomas until I heard Thomas chuckle and say, "Really Greenie, she creeped you out that much."

"Shut up Tom!" I whispered harshly

Before Thomas could respond a female voice cut in saying, "I know you're both there. You're not sneaky in any way. Also (Y/n) kinda blew your cover. I'm sorry about freaking you out I was just trying to get as much information across to you guys."

Both of our eyes widen as Teresa spoke lifting her head up as she did so. Her blue eyes piercing holes into my chest.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean for you to hear that," I stuttered as I stepped forward.

Thomas followed behind me as we walked toward the crouched girl. As we reached her, she scooted a bit to give us more room to sit beside her. Thomas and I both took seats next to each other and waited to see what would happen next. My mind racing with questions I wanted to ask but I was too afraid.

There was a couple minutes of awkward silence making me fidget in my seat. I couldn't stand awkward situations knowing that I can easily break it off if I had any social skills. So every time this happens I always find myself fidgeting in my seat, biting my lip or fidgeting with the hem of my blue shirt. Everything was quiet until Thomas broke the silence.

"Soooo.......I heard you kicked Jeff in the no no zone. That's pretty badass. You got guts Greenie," he said winking at the end.

Teresa and I just rolled our eyes annoyed at the teenage boy.

"Yeah so. He caught me out here and wanted to take me in. So I did what I had to do," Teresa said with a simple shrug.

Thomas smiled with an impressed look on his face. I looked away from the two still thinking when what Thomas said earlier caught my attention. I turned back toward the two and crossed my arms. My eyebrows furrowed in mock anger.

"Hey! I thought I was Greenie. What happened shank? Why leave me hanging like that?" I said spreading my arms a bit to exaggerate it and ending with a small smirk at the end.


Hey guys. Sorry this one is kinda short. I am trying to come up with a way to get everything to connect. Thank you for reading this far and for the votes really warms my heart and make me smile. Also thanks to the new followers ya'll are amazing. Anyways I'll see you shanks later. Remember stay weird😉😉

(774 words)

The Girl Shank {Newt x Reader}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt