17: Teresa

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Italics and underline~ you

Bold and italics~ Thomas

Italics~ Teresa


A girl's voice rang out through my dark mind. I felt my eyebrows furrow as I tried to open my eyes but they were glued shut.

I studied the darkness for a while trying to comprehend where I was and what happened. Then, I remembered that I had knocked out from pain, Thomas and Newt were there when I fell, but where was I? Was I with the med-jacks? I was so confused and honestly scared. Who was talking to me? Questions were racing through my mind, begging to be answered.


My questions came to a halt when I heard my name.

Again I tried to open my eyes but it was in vain as I couldn't get my eyelids to open up. I gave up trying to open my eyes and tried to get up. I couldn't move. It felt as if I was glued onto the surface I was laying on. I started to panic, but then my mind went back to the mysterious voice that was talking to me. The voice fully set in when I realized it sounded like a female.

That can't be right. The only other female here is the unconscious girl. What is going on here? Then I remembered what she had said earlier 'Teresa'.

Is her name Teresa? How can she talk to me? As far as I know we are both unconscious. I decided to try to respond back.

'Hello? Can you hear me?'

Nothing but a small ache forming. I tried again anyways.


I was cut off by the girls voice.

'(N/n), we're the last ones. It'll end soon. It has to.'

I laid there confused. What was she talking about? How is she talking to me? What is coming to an end?

'What are you talking about?'

No answer just another weird comment. More questions popped up as she began to speak.

'(N/n), don't freak out on me.'

I didn't say anything this time. So many questions were racing in my mind that I I almost didn't hear her speak up again.

'My memory's fading already, (N/n). I won't remember much when I wake up. We can pass the Trials. It has to end. They sent me as the trigger.'

Trials? Trigger? What the heck is going on? Why was she talking to me? I gave up on trying to talk to her, there was no point I wouldn't get through to her. The only thing I would get out of communicating with her is a headache. I laid there with questions racing through my confusion clouded mind.

'Everything's going to change.'

She repeated the same words she said when she first arrived in the Glade. But what's going to change? I wanted to wake up and run to the girls room where she is supposedly in a coma. I wanted my questions to be answered.

'It was Tom, you, and me, (N/n). We did this to them. To us.'

These were her final words before her presence in my mind vanished into thin air.

We did what? Thomas? What does Thomas have to do with anything?

I started to get frustrated. I yelled at Teresa to answer my questions that she had left unanswered. She didn't reply. I wasn't sure she even got the message, but that didn't stop me from yelling at her. I kept yelling at her until someone pulled me from my sleep.

My eyes snapped open as words were leaving my mouth. I saw brown orbs above me and immediately recognized them as Newt's. I shut my mouth and stared into them.

"(Y/n) are you alright? You're yelling" Newt said/asked as he backed away a bit to give me space to sit up.

I sit up and look around the room. I was indeed at the Med-jacks. I furrowed my brows in confusion. I turned my head toward the second in command.

"You okay?" Newt asked.

I gave him a small nod and said, "Where's Thomas? I need to talk to him."

"The bloody shank ran into the Maze last time I saw him." Newt said shaking his head a bit.

"Why did he run out?" I asked.

"I don't shucking know. All I know is that the bloody shank went crazy and ran into the Maze before any of us could get to him." Newt informed me.

I furrowed my brows now worried about Thomas.

"What- how long was he out there and how long was I out?" I asked the blonde.

"Five hours he's been out there five shucking hours. The worst part is that the shuck sky is gray. The Doors are suppose to close in an hour. I- I don't know what to do. My best friend is in the Maze, you're hurt, and the Gladers are so bloody worried about the sky. I'm scared. I don't like that you're hurt." Newt said running a hand through his hair, his eyes turning glossy.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him into a hug. He wasted no time in hugging me back. I played with the ends of his hair as I spoke.

"Look Newt I'm okay. Thomas will come back safe and sound and the Gladers can piss their pants if they want to but we are going to get out together, I promise."

I broke the hug and looked him in the eyes. His eyes showed sadness and worry while mines were filled with determination and confidence. I closed my eyes and sucked in a breath. I opened them and leaned forward pecking him on the cheek. I pulled back, knowing he was too flustered to stop me.

I shifted and placed my feet on the cold wooden floor. I stood up tipping a bit but I managed to get my balance back. I walked toward the door trying to get out and find Thomas. Newt snapped out of his daze and shuffled over to me stopping me in my tracks. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Where're you going?" Newt asked blocking my way.

"To find Tommy. I need to speak to him." I said firmly pushing him aside.

"Lay down (Y/n)." Newt commanded as he grabbed my shoulder gently.

"No. I need to talk to Thomas. It's important. Now move!" I said raising my voice.

Newt didn't budge. He kept trying to push me back on to the bed. I struggled against him until pain shot through my head. I almost fell but Newt caught me and set me on the bed.

"Tommy will be back before the walls close. I'll tell him to come here immediately. Stay here, don't get up. Promise me you will stay in bed." Newt said walking to the door.

"I make no promises," I say weakly.

Newt looked hurt for a second but then he disappeared through the doorway. I felt really bad for using Newt that way, especially when I know he has a crush on me but I actually liked the small kiss on the cheek. It gave me butterflies. I smiled to myself but then the pain cane back.

I closed my eyes then opened them staring at the white ceiling going over everything. Then I tried communicate with Thomas. Bad idea. Excruciating pain shot through me making me arch my back in pain. I screamed but muffled it by biting my lip until I started to draw blood. I managed to get a couple words out to him.

'Tommy. Get back. Now!'

I didn't know if he got the message but I was hoping he did. Tears started to form in my eyes from the pain that was still lingering in my skull. I stared at the ceiling until my eyes started to get droopy. Sleep consumed my mind and I drifted into a painless sleep waiting for Thomas to arrive back at the Glade.


Hey how did you guys like it? A lot of people voted for Newt so I put a Newt x Reader part here yay. Anyways I hope you enjoyed because I surely did. Byeeee. Remember stay weird.😉

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