13: Kill You If I Have To

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The chair was hurting my butt as I sat on it, it's chipped wood poking at my jeans. Minho, Alby, Newt, Winston, Frypan, Gally, Clint and the other Keepers were sitting at a long makeshift table. I was sitting front and center in a very uncomfortable chair. Thomas was standing in the back of the room hiding in the shadows.

This, this was a Gathering to determine whether I got the chumps to be a Runner or not. When the rest of the Keepers found out they were surprised that the Greenie wanted to become a Runner. So, here we are staring at each other. The Keeper's gazes were settled on me as I squirmed in the chair, this time being from all the gazes.

The Council was quiet as Alby spoke, "I declare the Gathering begun."

I looked over at the others to see they were staring directly at me. My eyes landed upon Newt, who was rolling his eyes clearly not a fan of the formality. I moved my gaze to Alby who was standing up, notepad in hand with a pen.

Newt stood up next to Alby and began speaking. "As you know these past days have been bloody crazy. Ever since Tommy arrived, then (Y/n), then the girl. But we aren't to discuss that matter. We are her to vote on the Greenie's nomination to be a Runner."

"She's not a Greenie anymore, she's a shuck-face." Gally spoke up.

I glared at Gally as snickers from the other boys filled the room. "Gally," Newt said turning to him. "Can you shut your buggin' mouth? I'm trying to keep some order here. If you want to keep blabbering you can bloody leave because I'm not in a cheerful mood."

Gally just folded his arms over his chest and glared at me, I glared back. Thomas snickered at us catching the attention of Newt who went over to him. They whispered to each other while Alby told us what was going to happen.

"Alright you all know what will go down. One at a time you will voice your opinion. Don't speak until it is your turn," he said looking at Gally. "And (Y/n) don't say a buggin' thing 'til we ask for you to speak." He waited for me to give a nod, to show him that I understood. I gave it and he pointed to a boy at the far end to the table. He walked over to him, just as Newt got to him.

"Zart the Fart, you start." Newt said earning a small glare from Alby but snickers from the boys. I bit my lip to keep me from laughing.

Zart blushed but he went on with his opinion. I was getting anxiety just sitting there and watching people make the choice if I should become a Runner or not. "I don't know. She has guts to ask, I'll give her that but I am not sure if she is prepared to run out there. My answer is no. Sorry Greenie." He glanced at me with a look of sorry but I just shrugged it off. That was only one opinion so far.

Alby scribbled some notes and moved to Frypan. Newt was back in his seat, his arms crossed and a blank expression on his face as he stared at nothing.

"Your turn Frypan."

"Well...I've seen the girl run and she is pretty shucking fast. When Thomas attacked her she was a good 5 feet away from him and he's a shucking Runner. Don't tell me that doesn't tell you anythin'."

"It doesn't." Gally's voice cut in. Newt who was sitting next to the Keeper of the Builders told him to shut up. Gally obeyed and kept his mouth shut.

"So you sayin' yes?" Alby asked. Frypan nodded confirming it. "Good that. Adam, your turn."

I turned to look at the guy and he looks at me. I haven't seen him around. He shrugs and looks at Alby, "I don't know."

"What?" Alby says he voice lowing. "Lot of good it did to put you on the Council then."

The boy raised his brows and said, "Look man I honestly don't know but I guess I'll agree with Frypan. The girl can run."

Alby rolled his eyes and said, "So ya do know." Adam just shrugged. Alby scribbled down something on the notepad and called out Winston's name.

The Girl Shank {Newt x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now