3: Greenie!

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I followed the young boy towards what looked like a forest but the boy told me that it's called the Deadheads.

We arrived to my sleeping quarters which are a part of Deadheads where hammocks took over. Chuck explained to me that there was a building, the Homestead, to sleep in but most of the boys prefer to sleep outside.

He pointed the building out to me when we were passing by and understood why the boys would rather sleep outside. The building was just a leaning tower of wood and stone. It seemed really unstable. Chuck showed me were my hammock was.

"Thank you Chuck for helping me find my new bed," I said to him kindly.

Chuck smiled and replied,"No problem Greenie it was really nothing."

I smiled back at the curly haired boy thinking about how would something so sweet like him be here in a place like the Glade sure I have only been here one day but this place gives off a creepy vibe.

A couple minutes passed of me sitting there thinking about the place I was thrown in. Chuck left me to get situated, walking to talk with some of the other boys. I was just about to start to lay down and take a nap to pass time when I hear rumbling and a sound of stone grinding against stone. I quickly sit back up to see what the commotion was about.

I walked out of the Deadheads toward to where the sound was coming from.

I was currently standing in front of the giant stone walls that were now closing in on each other. I stood there shocked, how could this be possible? These walls are too big. How are they moving? Watching the doors seal the Glade in for the night was something I totally did not expect.

After standing there a couple minutes trying to sort out what the hell just happened, I turned on my heel and walked back to my hammock.

As I was walking past the Homestead, or the Leaning Tower of Wood and Stone as I like to call it, the same scream I heard earlier rang throughout the Glade catching some of the remaining boys' attention. The scream sent another wave of chills down my spine feeling as if spiders were crawling down it.

Curiosity got the best of me and I started to walk towards the Homestead trying to figure out who was making that awful noise.

As I was walking toward the Homestead, several boys stared at me as I was walked past. I shrugged off the stares and continued making my way to the building.

I reached the front door of the Homestead my hand going out to turn the door knob feeling the cool metal under my skin. It was a nice feeling for a change. I twisted the knob and pulled the door outward so I can step inside.

The interior of the Homestead was just, maybe, even worse than the exterior of the building. The walls were cracked, chipped, and peeling. The smell of sweat and mildew infested my senses. I scrunched my face up a bit at the smell. I was looking around the place when I notice that the boys were staring at me weirdly.

"What? Is there something wrong?" I asked the staring boys a bit annoyed at the constant staring.

All the boys went back to what they were doing, avoiding eye contact with me. I looked around the place again taking it all in. The place was literally falling apart. I began walking around trying to find where that scream came from dodging boys left and right. Some were already sleeping and others were fighting with each other. I just rolled my eyes at the scene and kept walking.

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