35: Code Cracked

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My eyes fluttered open just to be blinded by the light. I groan in pain as I twist my body to the side to see who was in the room with me. I raise my brows when I see no one.

I slowly sit up looking side to side to see if I see anyone. Nothing.

I set my feet on the floor to see that it's different. I look down to see that I'm  dressed in different clothes. Instead of the dirty loose pants I was in I was in some black leggings with some converse. I look at my shirt to see it's a white shirt instead of a dirty pale blue shirt.

I look around to see that I wasn't even in the Homestead. I was somewhere else. The room was lit up by a couple lights. The room was plain other than a dresser, some tables, chairs, and a bed.

I frown confused and disoriented. The sounds of a door knob jiggling caught my attention and I turn around to see who it is. My eyes widen when I see who it is.

A blonde woman walks in with Thomas and Teresa on either side of her. "Thomas, Teresa? Why are you guys here?" I walked up to the trio.

The blonde haired woman stopped me and set a hand on my shoulder. "(Y/n) you're gonna meet the others today. We will talk about the Mazes and what we plan to do with the Varibles we gather."

I look up at her with furrowed brows. "But Aunt Ava I don't want anyone hurt." My voice was frail as I looked over to Thomas and Teresa. Both of them were staring at me with the same concerned look.

I turned to look at Ava. "No one's gonna get hurt darling. I promised your mother I wouldn't let anyone or thing hurt you." She smiled and turned around. "Follow me."

With that we followed the blonde lady out the door to some other room.

I'm sitting down at a long table in between Thomas and Ava as two other teens sit across from us. They looked serious.

I looked down not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. I didn't want to go into the Maze. I already knew our mission. I knew what we had to do, we had to trigger the Ending.

I just tuned everyone out as I stared at my hands. My name was being called so I looked up to see my aunt looking at me. I furrowed my brows and looked at her. "Sorry can you repeat?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded. "As we were saying, you guys will trigger the Ending in Maze A while Aris and Rachel trigger it for Maze B. Thomas you will go in first, then (Y/n) a month later. Then last but not least Teresa will go a little less than a week after (Y/n) arrives." She explained the plan yet again. I groaned just wanting this meeting to be over.

I opened my eyes to see a wooden room. There was barely any light inside the room. I looked side to side to see no one. I'm confused so I sit up to get a better look around. I groan from the small pain I had but it wasn't too harsh. I look around only to stop on a figure in the corner of the room.

There sitting in the corner was a passed out Newt. I sigh smiling knowing I was really awake and not dreaming. "Newt." I whisper to him. No answer. "Newt." I say a bit louder. He stirred mumbling something but was still fast asleep. I sigh as I twist my body so that my legs dangled off the edge of the bed. "Rise and shine Newtie!!" I yelled at him causing me to get a bit dizzy but I just shook it off.

Newt jumped up from his seat looking around. His hair was a mess. His eyes landed on me and he groaned a bit. He rubbed his eyes yawning. "Good morning to you too." I said to Newt rolling my eyes.

He mumbled a good morning getting up and sitting next to me. "How'd you sleep?" He asked his voice a bit raspy.

I shrugged. "It was interesting. I'm feeling better though." I said looking up at him.

He tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean, interesting?" He said his accent making me smile on the inside.

"I had these dreams, well what I thought were dreams but they were memories." I started turning to fully face him. "The leader of the Maze is in fact my aunt. I don't remember my mother but she said that she wouldn't let me get hurt."

Newt's brows narrowed. "Your aunt said that?" He asked. I nodded remembering when she told me that. Most of the faces in my dream were really blurry other than Thomas and Teresa. Ava's face was a bit blurry not allowing me to see exactly what she looked like.

"It's weird." I said shaking my head. "Not important. What is important is that we get out of here. Forget what I said before. That wasn't me and I don't recall that. Don't ask questions just listen."

Newt sat there staring at me and he gave me a nod. I gave him a small smile. "That code has had to be cracked by now. Call a Gathering, we need to start planning our escape from the Maze. I have a couple ideas on how we can get out of here."

I finished looking at Newt. He gave me a sweet smile. "Luckily Teresa and the other boys cracked the code not too long ago. They managed to find the words. Thomas and Minho went to the Griever Hole to prepare everything. I was hoping you could shine some light on the words because I don't get it." He said. 

"That's great. Let's go to the storage room. I need to talk to Teresa and Thomas. Maybe we can find something." I said standing up. I wobbled a bit but steadied myself. Newt stood next to me and grabbed my hand to steady me. I gave him a nod, telling him to go on.

He did so pulling me with him.

We walked into the storage room to see Teresa, Minho, and Thomas hunched over a table staring at something. Newt walked over to them. He stood across the table catching their attention.

Minho looked up at us in surprise but the smirked. "So you two are finally dating. Took you long enough." He said looking at our intertwined hands. I look down at our hands about to let go but Newts hand squeezed mine not letting me do so.

"Minho we aren't dating." I blushed looking down at the Maps. Newt just rolled his eyes and looked over at Thomas. "What did ya find out there in the bloody Maze Tommy?" Newt asked him.

Thomas looked at Newt. "The same old thing. We just made sure that the Griever Hole was still available to us and yup the dang thing is still there waiting for us." He said smiling.

"Yeah along with a dozen or so Grievers." Minho said rolling his eyes. I just sighed and let go of Newts hand. I walked over to Teresa who was still analyzing the code.

I scan over the words. "What does it mean?" I whispered only for me to hear but Teresa heard me  "I don't know. I've been down here for hours trying to see what it meant." She looked at me her blue eyes wide.

I looked at her then down at the words. I studied them for a bit. "Maybe they are keywords." I said.

"What do you mean?" Minho asked looking over at me. I looked at him. "Maybe this is the code, all of it. There is nothing else to do with them. Maybe they will have something where we type in these words." I said straightening.

"And what if theres not?" Thomas asked. I groaned and turned to him. "If it doesn't then we are screwed. Do you have any other ideas Tommy?" I said getting annoyed.

Thomas just put his hands up in defense. "No I dont we will just go with your plan." He said.

"Good because I wasn't gonna take suggestions anyways." I said shrugging. I looked back at the Maps. "Call a Gathering. We need to talk to everyone." I looked up at Newt. He nodded and made his way up the stairs to call everyone.

"You guys ready?" I asked them. They all nodded ready to start the planning. "Okay let's get this show on the road." I said turning around, walking to the stairs leaving behind the code.


Hope you enjoyed this part. Anyways guys as always remember stay weird. Love ya.

(1498 words)

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