29: The Cliff

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The sounds of heavy breathing and footsteps echoed throughout the Maze corridor. My own breaths came out ragged as we were running non-stop for a couple hours.

Thomas and Minho were in the lead taking turns without a second of hesitation. I followed behind letting my eyes wander the Maze walls. Behind the thick ivy I could see something metal crawling with serpentine movements. The sun reflected off its metal plating.

My eyes kept following the weird creature until it came out of the ivy. A word was written on the back of it but I couldn't get a good look at it since we were both running. It's little red eye was bouncing all over the place.

My eye contact with the metal creature was broken when a hand latched onto my wrist and pulled me a different direction. I snapped out of my daze to see Thomas holding my wrist. He let go once my legs caught up with them.

Minho looked back at us and gave me a tired smirk. Sweat covered every inch of his face making his face gleam in the sun. "Well Greenie for you to actually get to the Cliff you gotta stop making googly eyes at the shuck Beetle Blades." I blushed and looked down at my running legs.

Minho laughed then looked forward taking another turn. Thomas chuckled and followed. I turned and I almost immediately stop. There down the long corridor was a huge opening that led out to a gray sky. "Pretty ain't it?" Thomas said coming in step with me,  Minho still being in lead.

"Yeah. . ." I breathed out as we kept getting closer to the opening. Minho reached the Cliff first and he stopped to look back at us.

"Welcome to the Cliff Greenie." Minho said with a wide grin. He turned around and walked to edge of the Cliff. Thomas and I slowed to a walk and followed Minho.

My mouth dropped as I saw a hole in the middle of the sky. "What is that?" I asked both boys.

Thomas and Minho turned to look at each other. "That. That's the Griever Hole." Thomas said pointing at it.

"You guys mentioned it before. Why or how do you know this?" I question getting a bit nervous and scared.

Minho walked over to some rocks and threw them out into the gray sky. "When Ben and I got stuck out here shuck face Thomas got himself stuck here as well." Minho said pointing over at Thomas who just shrugged.

"Well we tied Ben up on a wall of ivy. The Grievers were coming out and I almost klunked my pants so I bolted. Thomas was pretty fast thinking and tied Ben up and then saved his skin. He got chased by three Grievers and I helped him. We both ran for the Cliff and dodged the Grievers making them fall off the Cliff and into the sky. When we peeked over the edge they were gone." Minho came to stand beside Thomas who had his arms crossed and slapped his shoulder. "That was the first time I saw this shank cry. He looked horrible." I shook my head as I smiled.

Thomas's eyes widen as he blushed. "Shut up Minho! She didn't need to know that." He said punching Minho in the arm. Minho just laughed at Thomas. I smiled brightly at the two.

"Okay you dumb shanks. We gotta put something here so we can cross over to the Griever Hole easier. Get some wood planks." I said turning to the hole. I tapped my foot thinking.

Minho walked around the edge whistling as he peered into the gray mass. Thomas stood by me staring into the black hole probably wondering what is inside. I watched as Minho kicked stones over the edge watching them fall into the gray abyss.

I turned away from Minho and turned to Thomas. "When you got stung did you remember anything crucial about us getting out?" I whispered to him. He looked up at me his brown eyes connecting with mine.

He bit his lip trying to remember. "No. Like I said before everything is blurry. I was lucky enough to even remember you and Teresa." He said looking back down.

I bit my lip and I looked at him again. "How did you get stung?" I asked him. He stiffened but he sighed. He ran a hand through his sweaty hair.

"I got stung about a day or two before you came up. I got stung because of a close encounter with a Griever. The shuck Griever came out of no where. Luckily Minho was close by and helped me to the Glade." He shivered a bit at the memory but then he just stayed still.

Minho walked over to us and told us that we should be heading back. We both nodded and ran after Minho. Our packed food was forgotten.

'My first night here in the Glade I heard your screams. Was it painful?' I spoke to Thomas in my mind. He seemed startled for a second before he answered.

'I can't recall. It probably wasn't screams of physical pain but of emotional pain.'

'How so?' I asked him glancing over at him at both our feet hit the stone floor at the same pace.

'I had this one memory, a vivid one, it was of me watching Newt in the Maze. Watching my friends in the Maze dying and suffering and I couldn't do anything.' He said looking forward, his eyes glazing with tears. I wanted to stop and give him a hug but I knew I couldn't.

'Sorry I asked Tom.' I felt guilty for resurfacing that memory for him.

'Its okay (Y/n) it isn't your fault. You're just curious.' He said blinking away the tears as we made our way back to the Glade.

Minho was up in front oblivious to the conversation we just had. He decided to make time pass and tell us some really corny jokes and stories. I couldn't help but laugh at them.


Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed. Not sure how I feel about this chapter but I'm okay with it. Anyways remember to stay weird. Love ya.

QOTD: What is your best pun/joke?

A: You guys are a-MAZE-ing!!

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