24: First Victim

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The first thing I notice are his eyes, how they are filled with pure raged lunacy. His clothes dirty and tattered, blood making an appearance. The boy dropped to his knee, his chest heaving with deep breathes. His eyes scanned the room, searching for someone like a crazed dog looking for someone to bite. His crazed eyes still wandering, he spoke up, "they'll kill you. They'll kill you all- one every night until this whole thing is over. Until no ones left!"

Everyone stood speechless unsure of how to react. Fear crawled up my throat seeing that the boy before us was yelling while a Griever was not far from where they stood inside the poorly boarded up room. Gally staggered back onto his wobbly legs and limped over to where I stood. Shocked, I didn't move, not comprehending what was going on until the force of Gallys fist collided with my ear. A cry escaped my lips as I crumpled to the ground, quickly standing back up as soon as I hit the ground. The pain receptors not yet catching up with what just happened until Newt and Thomas we're now talking to Gally trying to calm him down.

Gally pointed a bloody finger in front of Thomas's face as he accused him, us, of this being our fault. My hand was now on my ear as a headache began to sprout at the side of my head. "You two, it's all your fault. Both of you did this!" Spittle flew from his mouth as he pushed his finger into Thomas's chest.

"The Maze can't be solved. The Maze will kill you all, one by one. Them Grievers are gonna take every one of you shanks," he paused for a second before continuing, "it's better this way." With that said he began limping toward the poorly boarded up window.

Newt was close behind him trying to calm him down, afraid that the Griever will hear them. I snapped out of my shock and joined Thomas who was at the end of the bed watching everything unfold.

Newt grabbed Gally's attention before he reached the boarded up window. Gally, fired up, began to yell at him, "you don't get it Newt. You're so stupid for thinking that we will be safe here. Those Grievers aren't leaving without someone. There's no way to win! They're gonna kill you, all of you- one by one!"

Gally launches himself at the window and began tearing at the boards, trying to take them down. "No!" Newt reached for Gally to pull him away from the window but as soon as he did Gally pulled a board off and smacked it into the side of Newts head. Blood sprayed onto the sheets as his body fell onto the bed, unconscious. I quickly reacted and went to pull Gally from the window, "Stop what the hell are you doing?"

Gally turned around and shoved me to the ground as Thomas yelled at him to stop. "Shut up, both of you just shut the hell up. I know who you guys are and I don't care anymore. I can only do what's right," Gally said as he ripped and other board from the window. I began crawling my way over to Newts lifeless body to try to keep him from danger but just as I crawled halfway, the window broke. Crystal shards rained down on me and the sound of machinery, wood splintering and squelching filled the room. Panic took hold of me and I quickly scooted away from the window avoiding the Grievers metal limbs.

I crawled to Thomas who stood in shock, watching the creatures body pulsate as it tried to squeeze into the room. Horror settled in as one of its long limbs began making its way toward Newts body that lay on the bed. Thomas began to search for any type of weapon that could help him save Newt. I on the other hand stood back up, my eyes glued to Newts body trying to find a way to keep haunting from getting snatched.

"No one ever understood," Gally was now speaking again which made the Griever pull its arm back as its attention was now on the lunatic. I ran to the bed to get Newt now that the creature was watching Gally. "No one ever understood what I saw in the Changing, the things the real world showed. You do not want to go back. It's horrible. Trust me, You... don't... wanna remember."

I reached Newt just as Gally finished talking. The creature still trying to make its way into the room. I looked up at Gally to see his eyes already locked onto mine, his eyes full of terror. He dove into the slimy body of the Griever, Thomas's yells for Gally followed. I watched in horror seeing how the creature immediately engulfed the teen, its arms grabbing his limbs making it impossible for him to escape.

With astounding speed the Griever pulled out of the window and made its way toward the Maze, it's yellow lights flashing creating an eerie glow. Thomas and I ran to the destroyed window and watched it disappear into the Maze. Several seconds later it's buddies joined him, coming from different locations of the Glade. Thomas unknowingly grabbed my hand and squeezed it for comfort.

Gally has just sacrificed himself but not before scarring us both. We both stood at the window gazing out into the Glade trying to process everything. That's when something caught our eyes.

Even in the dark light of the Glade a lone shape appeared out of the building, Thomas leaned out to get a better look outside. Dread filled us both as we realized who it was.

Both of us screamed, yelling at him to stop but it was already too late as the figure disappeared into the Maze following the horrific creatures.

Minho, running full speed has now disappeared into the Maze with no one else just himself and 5 other Grievers.

Hello! I finally rewrote the part! Anyways hope you enjoyed, remember stay weird! Love ya!

(1020 words)

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