22: I'm a Tough Girl

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My heart stopped. No sun. No supplies. No protection from the Grievers. Teresa was right. Everything's going to change whether we are prepared or not. My breathing faltered a bit.

Alby pointed at Teresa and said, "I want her locked up. Now. Billy! Jackson! Put her in the Slammer, and ignore every word that comes out of her shuck mouth."

Both Teresa and I stood still watching Alby.

"What're you talking about? Alby you can't-" Thomas began but was interrupted by Alby when he shot him a look of pure anger.

"But. . . how could you possibly blame her for the walls not closing?" I continued for Tom.

Newt stepped up, placing a gentle hand on Alby's chest and pushed him back. His eyes connected with Thomas' then traveled to connect with mine.

"How could we not, (Y/n)? She bloody admitted it herself," Newt said.

I saw Thomas turn to Teresa. Sadness danced around in her pale blue eyes. I felt something tug at my heart when I saw how sad she looked.

"Just be glad you two ain't goin' with her," Alby said, leaving but not before he shot us one last glare.

My hands fisted into tight balls having the urge to punch him straight in the face. Billy and Jackson came forward and grabbed Teresa by both arms, and began escorting her away. Before they could get to far, Newt stopped them.

"Stay with her. I don't care what happens, no one's gonna touch this girl. Swear your lives on it."

The two boys nodded, then walked away. It hurt me to see how willingly she went and how I couldn't do anything to keep her from going. This was the first time I have talked to her face to face but I felt a bond between us.

'Come see me,' she spoke into my mind.

'I will. At least you'll be safe in there.'

I'm not sure she even received the message. A small ache started to sprout toward the back of my head but I paid no attention to it.

She didn't respond


The next thirty minutes were full of confusion as Newt and Alby gathered the Keepers and put them in charge of making assignments and getting their groups inside the Homestead within an hour. Thomas and I just stood there watching everything go down not sure how to contribute.

The Builders- without their leader, Gally, who was missing- were ordered to put up barricades at each open Door; they obeyed, although I knew there wasn't enough time or supplies to do much. Thomas went to help the Builders. I helped distribute the flashlights to every Glader as Newt instructed. The barricades the Builders and Thomas built were ugly and pathetic. The barricade wouldn't stand a chance against the Grievers. At least it would buy us some time. Newt said that he planned for everyone to sleep in the Homestead that night, and they'd kill the lights. Frypan was suppose to take all the nonperishable food out of the kitchen and store it into the Homestead, in case they get trapped in there. Thinking about being trapped in an old building crammed with 50 boys made me shiver. Thomas and Minho carried weapons to the Homestead to defend ourselves.

I wanted to talk to Newt about letting Teresa out of the Slammer. My eyes scanned the busy Glade to find the blonde making his way to the Blood House.

"Newt!" I called out to him running to catch up. "You have to listen to me."

The older boy stopped so suddenly almost making me run into him. He turned around with an annoyed look on his face.

"Make it quick," was all he said. 'I guess that moment we had is long forgotten. It's for the best anyways'

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