16: Gray

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"Alright we have to figure out this whole telepathy klunk." I said as I slowly walked besides Thomas. We walked until we arrived at the green pasture. Boys filled the area as yells filled the atmosphere.

'I agree. This klunk is just straight up weird.' I heard Thomas speak into my mind sending a small amount of pain throughout it. I shut my eyes and without second though I responded.

'Yeah it is weird.' As soon as those words reached Thomas, I dropped my focus and held my head in my hands.

My head is feeling as if I banged it on a desk multiple times. I almost fell from the excruciating pain in my head, but I caught myself before I could come in contact with the ground. Just then I felt an arm snake under my shoulders. I looked up my vision blurry but I could just about make out Thomas' features.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) are you alright? Can you hear me?" Thomas asked panicked about the current situation.

I responded with a weak yes to confirm his questions. Thomas shook his head and walked toward a building. Everything was starting to get either muffled or blurry. My head was spinning.

My legs were dragging against the grass making it really hard for Thomas to help me. I started to lose consciousness. My vision getting darker around the edges. I could hear Thomas beside me telling me something but I didn't understand what he said. I was struggling to stay awake.

Suddenly Thomas yelled at someone causing me to flinch from the loudness waking me up a bit. I slowly looked over to see who he was calling but all I could see where blurry figures. My head let out another jolt of pain causing me to let out a small yelp. Thomas whipped his head toward me, watching with worried eyes. I was once again slowly slipping into the darkness that clouded around the edges of my glossy (E/c) eyes. The darkness that had once been around the edges of my vision have now advanced almost engulfing my entire sight in darkness. Just as the darkness covered my vision a figure with blonde hair showed up. At the last second of my eyes being open, I saw the sky turn from it's beautiful light blue to a dull, depressing gray.

I took in the sight as my mind shut off and I fell limp collapsing on to the ground, taking Thomas by surprise.

Thomas's POV

I watched in horror as (Y/n) slipped from my grip and collapsed to the ground. I quickly bent down to pick her up but Newt beat me to it. He was already by the girl's side checking to see if she got any injures from the fall. He asked the girl questions, trying to get her to communicate, but he failed. As the second in command was searching the girl for injures, I noticed a small amount of blood dripping from her nose.

"Newt she's bleeding." I said pointing to the spot I saw the blood.

Newt immediately went to check where the source of blood was coming from. I kneeled on the other side of (Y/n) scanning her face as Newt brushed her (H/c) hair from her sweaty forehead. My eyes watched Newt as he gently wiped the blood away as more came to replace it. The blonde teen looked up at me, his brown eyes full of worry.

"What the bloody hell happened here?" Newt asked as he eyed me.

"No time to ask stupid questions Newt. We need to get her to the Med-jacks quickly. I'll tell you everything once she is with the Med-jacks." I said looking back down at the (H/c) haired girl.

Newt just gave me a nod and went to pick up the girl, but I stopped him before he could. The boy furrowed his brows in confusion as to why I stopped him.

"Let me carry her." I simply stated as I kept looking at the unconscious teenage girl.

"Why?" The second in command asked me.

"Your ankle. Look Newt, you may have not straight up told me about it but when you walk you limp. I know your in pain and I don't want you to hurt yourself even more. So let me carry her. You got on ahead and tell Clint and Jeff we are coming" I said as I looked up at the blonde.

He looked down with a sad expression, the memory of his ankle probably replaying in his mind. I put a hand on his shoulder comforting him but when he looked back up there was no trace of the sadness in his eyes anywhere and was now replaced with determination. He gave me a nod and stood up.

I leaned down and scooped the girl in my arms, adjusting her a bit so that one arm was under her knees and the other around her back. Once I got her fixed, I looked at Newt and motioned for him to lead the way. Newt looked back at the girl then at me and back to the Homestead. Newt took off running his limp showing more clearly now.

I ran after him (Y/n) bouncing in my arms as I did. We got a few stares from the other Gladers but I didn't pay attention to them. I kept my gaze straight and watched Newt. He reached the Homestead before me, walking into the run down building. I kept running toward the building getting closer with each step. Newt reappeared at the doorway with Clint and Jeff. I reached the Homestead and ran inside. Clint and Jeff rushed over to the girl and looked her over trying to stop the bleeding. They told me to put her in the room next to the other mysterious girl that arrived 6 days earlier.

I laid her down on the bed and stepped away letting Clint and Jeff do their job. I walked out of the room to find Newt leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. His gaze landed on me the second I walked out. I put my head down avoiding his gaze.

"I'm guessing you want an explanation." I said.

"Hell yeah I do. Start talkin'" Newt said walking up to me.

I told him about how me (Y/n) were walking around the Deadheads and she just started to have headaches. I told him that I was taking (Y/n) to Clint and Jeff so that they could check up on her but she started to get excruciating pain and passed out.

When I finished, Newt nodded accepting my fake story. His brows furrowed as he saw that the Homestead was filled with an eerie light. I walked over to a window and looked outside. Boys were gathered outside, pointing upwards and talking. Confused looks were worn upon the Gladers as Newt ran out and stood in the middle of the Glade staring at the sky. I walked up next to him, looking up as well.

"Bloody hell. What's this klunk now." I heard Newt mumble. Alby's voice was heard yelling at the boys telling them to get back to work.

"I- I have no clue what is happening right now." I said looking around the Glade.

"Well the bloody sky is now gray so what the shuck are we gonna do now?" I heard Newt say once again, running a hand through his blonde locks. His eyes were glossy one second but clear the next. I was worried for my friend. I laid a hand on his shoulder and give it a squeeze. He looked at me then at the sky. "Thanks Tommy. I hope (Y/n) gets better because we need answers now."

I nodded at him and turned to leave but a voice inside my head stopped me cold. It wasn't (Y/n)'s warm voice, it was someone else's. Another girl voice spoke into my mind. I jumped and looked around desperately trying to locate the source of the voice but failed. There was no girl in sight. I started to panic that the voice didn't stop so I ran to the Maze doors. Newt was calling out to me but I didn't turn back.

I ran straight through those open doors not caring about anything else but escaping the voice in my head.

Hey guys. Hope y'all enjoyed. Love ya shanks and thank you for reading. Byeee. Remember stay weird 😜.

(1425 words)

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