23: Gally

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I was sitting on the bed my legs dangling off of it. My eyes were scanning the dark room only seeing dark figures huddled together on the floor. My eyes traveled to one corner where I knew Thomas and Newt were huddling together. Minho was sitting in one of the only chairs in the room. Alby was sitting next to me his head in his hands. The room was quiet save for deep breathing and a couple sniffles. Unfortunately, Chuck was not in the same room as me but I was hoping the young boy was okay.

Newt had given me the bed to sleep because I'm a girl. I refused but he didn't budge so I just took it. The night went on painfully slow. The gray sky gave the Homestead a creepy vibe.

I decided to lay back and wait for whats to come. We were upstairs in one of the only rooms with beds. Downstairs was full of boys either sitting or lying down. The silence was soon cut off by an accented voice.

"This is the closest I've been to shucking it all and kissing a Griever goodnight. With the supplies cut, walls not closing, the bloody skies turning gray. But we can't give, we all know it, them buggin' Creators either want us dead or they're givin' us a spur. This or that, we are gonna work our arses off till we're dead or alive."

I nodded agreeing with the blonde. I sat back up and looked at Alby. A gloomy expression was written on his face. "What 'bout you Alby? Got any ideas?" I asked trying to get him involved. His head snapped up a look of confusion crossed his features as he turned to me.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Good that. But not all of us can survive the Maze like that shuck-face Thomas did." Alby said looking back down. I just stared at Alby for the longest time trying to see what was up with him. Until a voice cut in.

"Look Alby we need to stop boohooing and feeling sorry for ourselves. I'm with Newt, Thomas and (Y/n)." Minho sat forward in the chair he was sitting in rubbing his hands together. "First thing tomorrow we are assigning teams to study the Maps while all the Runners prepare to spend a few days in the Maze trying to find a way out." I perked up at this. This was going to be my first official run and it will last a couple days.

"What do you mean days?" Alby said looking at Minho sitting forward. A frown on his face.

Minho sat up straight and stared at the leader. "I mean days. With the Doors open and no sunset there's no point in coming back. We have to stay out there to finally find a way out. "

"No way Minho." Alby said. "We have the Homestead to hide- and if that ain't workin', the Slammer or Map Room. We can't have people going out to die, Minho! Who'd volunteer for that anyway?"

"Me," Minho said, "Thomas, (Y/n)." Everyone turned to look at us both. Thomas and I looked at each other then nodded to the rest confirming it.

"I will if I have to," an accented voice said grabbing the attention of Thomas and I. I was surprised. I knew he hurt his leg but I never knew what happened. "And I'm sure all the Runners will do it."

"With your bum leg?" Alby said a harsh laugh escaping his throat.

Newt frowned, looking at the ground. "I'm not going to be askin' the Gladers to do something if I'm not bloody willing to do it myself." Alby just sat back in bed propping his feet up.

"Whatever. Do what you want." The leader said not caring.

"Do what I want?" Newt asked, standing up a bit surprised from his response. "What's up with you, man? Are you tellin' mean we have a choice? Should we just sit here on our shuck butts and wait to be stuffed by the Grievers?" My brows raised at Newt, surprised by his confidence.

"Well, sounds better than running to them." Alby said not missing a beat.

Newt sat back down and looked at the leader. "Look man you gotta start talkin' reason." I know that we need Alby in order to be able to accomplish anything. The Gladers look up to him, he's the shuck leader.

Alby took a deep breath and sat back up. "I don't think I should be leader anymore." My eyes widen as he spoke these words. I was surprised to hear them.

"Oh bloody-" Newt started but was cut off by Alby. "No! That's not what I meant. I ain't sayin' lets switch places. I'm saying... that I need to let you guys make the decisions. I- I don't want to make the wrong decisions, I don't trust myself. So yeah I'll do whatever."

I turned to look at Thomas to see him staring at Alby with wide eyes astonished as well. I looked around the room at peoples faces they all wore the same expression. "Uh...okay," Newt said unsure. "We'll make it work, I promise. You'll see."

I decided to try to talk to Thomas telepathically. 'Tom you there?' The ache started to form but it was a mild pain. Luckily it stayed that way.

He turned to me his brows scrunched in worry. 'Yeah I'm here. What is it (Y/n)?'

I looked at Alby as I spoke to him. 'Minho said we were running the Maze for a couple days tomorrow. Thing is this will only be my second time running it. I'm nervous.'

'Well (Y/n) I'll make sure that you're running with me and Minho tomorrow, well that is if we even make it to tomorrow.'

I snapped my head to him to see he was looking down. I slowly got up trying not to get the attention of anyone as they were in the middle of a conversation. 'Tom don't worry about it we will get through this night.' I was now sitting next to him hand on his shoulder.

He looked up at me and smiled. 'Thanks (Y/n)' Before I could respond Alby walked out the room jiggling some keys. This had Thomas and I bewildered. Newt and Minho were talking to each other in harsh whispers as Thomas and I watched the door in confusion. This was going to be long night.


I had managed to fall asleep at some point during the long talk with Minho, Thomas, and Newt. Harsh whispers and the sounds of mechanical workings woke me up. The sleep left me as I sat up and saw Thomas and Newt at the window peeking through the poorly nailed in boards. Thomas then turned away from the window and walked over to the other side of the room. Newt following him.

I stood up from the bed and made my way over to them and the rest of the Gladers. I crouched in between Minho and Thomas. My eyes staring at the boarded up window. The whispers that filled the room stopped abruptly when a loud crash came from outside the Homestead.

I curled up into a ball and scooted closer to Thomas. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder as he too stared at the dark window. Everyone seemed to stop breathing. My heart was pounding. Hums and metallic clatter filled the atmosphere. The sounds were just outside the Homestead.

I heard the Grievers' spikes shred into the wood siding in their path as they tore out and rotated around to take hold once again. The whole building shuddered.

The image of a Griever replayed in mind, remembering that first time Newt showed me the horrendous thing. The sound of splitting wood and groaning and crunching were the only things I could hear at the moment and it was scaring me. I felt Thomas squeeze my shoulder as the noises got louder and louder. Some of the boys shuffled as far from the window as they could piling onto one another.

Just as I realized that the Griever was just outside that window, everything fell silent. I could've sworn I heard Thomas' heart beating from where I was sitting.

Lights flickered just outside the window in odd beams between the wooden boards. A thin shadow interrupted the light moving back and forth. A few seconds later the shadow stopped; the light settled to a standstill, casting three unmoving planes of brightness into the room.

I swore that no one breathing at that moment. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. That's when I remembered Teresa in the Slammer. I searched for her presence in my head but had no luck the only presence was Thomas'. I was silently wishing she would say something so that Thomas and I would know she's safe.

Suddenly, the door from the hallway whipped open causing a round of gasps and shouts emit from myslef and the Gladers. We were expecting something from the window or a frightened Chuck or a reconsidering Alby. But when Thomas and I saw who stood at the doorway we both tensed, shock consuming our brains.

It was Gally.


Hey shanks how are you guys? Anyways as always I hoped y'all enjoyed and remember stay weird!

(1568 words)

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