34: Control

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Newt looked at me with wide eyes, not comprehending what I had just said. Thomas shook me trying to snap me out of my daze. Teresa was searching my eyes for any signs of amusement. She didn't find anything but a blank expression.

"What do you mean? Why can't we leave?" Thomas asked trying to get me to talk.

I looked up at him. My eyes were wide but dark and empty. "The Flare will kill us." I said blankly.

Thomas shook his head not understanding. Teresa turned around running a hand through her jet black hair. She sighed as she walked in circles. Newt squeezed my hand again trying to get me to look at him.

I turn my head to him. His brown eyes pouring into mine. Somehow I managed to get a hold of myself. The images stopped a while ago but I snapped out of this daze. I gained control again.

I gasped as I fell forward. Newt caught me before I fell. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I shook my head tears cascading down my cheeks.

Newt wrapped his arms around my shaking frame and whispered in my ear that it was okay. "Its okay it's okay (Y/n)." His voice calmed me down a little bit.

"What? What did I do?" I asked pulling away to glance at everyone. Their eyes were wide. '(Y/n), are you okay?' A female voice popped into my mind.

I didn't respond to Teresa still waiting for an answer. "What did I do?" I asked again trying to search the dark void in my mind. Nothing, everything was still as blurry as it was since that morning.

I blacked out ever since I walked into the Homestead. I have no memory of getting here. I was utterly confused. I wanted to cry. Everyone's eyes were trained on my shaking silhouette. Newt kept me in his arms even though I pulled away from him to ask the question.

"What do you mean (Y/n)? Do you not remember what you said?" Thomas stepped forward his eyes pouring into mine. I shook my head burying my face in Newts shirt.

"I-I don't remember anything since we walked in here everything went blank for me. I remember asking you what I said when I was going through the Changing. After that I blacked out. I can't seem to understand why though." My words were a little muffled from Newts shirt but Thomas seemed to understand either way.

Newt let me go and stared into my eyes."How are you feeling right now (Y/n)?" His brown eyes shone with worry and fear.

"I'm confused and scared." I said honestly looking at Thomas and Teresa. "Something bad is happening. We can't stay here for long."

Thomas and Teresa froze at my statement, surprised. I furrowed my brows at them. "What is it?" I asked a little bit annoyed no has told me anything.

'You said not to leave the Maze.' Thomas's voice rang out. I looked at him confused. 'Why the shuck would I say that?'

'Its true (Y/n). You said not to leave. You didn't give us a clear reason to do so but you said something about the Fl-' Teresa pitched in getting cut off by my screams.

Before Teresa could finish her sentence, excruciating pain jolted throughout my brain. My vision went blurry as my body had random spasms.

Yells and my screams filled the air. Newt was by my side trying to calm me down. Nothing could be done. I kept screaming until the pain faded.

My body was sore from thrashing. I was laying down on the floor. The faces above me showed pure fear and worry. Tears fell from by barely opened eyes.

Above me Newt, Teresa, Thomas and Minho were staring down at me. Teresa looked like she had tears in her eyes.

Minho grasped my shoulder shaking me a bit to get me to react. My eyes widen a bit as they looked over at Minho. "Don't do that it hurts." I said my voice hoarse from all the screaming I did. 

Minho backed up but soon I was being cradled in his arms. My arms were weakly wrapped around his neck, my head against his chest.

"Jeff, Clint you have another patient. Immediately treat her." Minho said turning to look at the Med-jacks.

I shook my head slightly at Minho. "Hold on Minho. I'm not done talking yet." I whispered as my eyes shut then opened again.

Minho denied me and continued to walk. We walked out of the storage room and went upstairs. My frail body was pressed against his muscular one.

I kept slipping from consciousness. My head kept falling back only to be snapped up right. The pain in my head was fading but the exhaustion was still there.

'I don't get it. I was asleep for three days. Why am I so tired?' I didn't expect to hear a reply but I ended up getting one anyways.

'(Y/n), when you go through the Changing you don't really rest. Your awake almost the whole time.' It was Thomas.

'How are you feeling (Y/n)? We are coming up there in a second. Newts freaking out.' Teresa asked informing me about Newt.

'Newt freaks out for everything.' Thomas said his voice was clearer.

I didn't say anything. Minho laid me on a bed. I was limp in his arms. He set me down and I curled up into a ball. Thoughts and questions flowed through my mind like water, nonstop.

Minho pulled up the blanket so that it covered my shoulders. I thanked him quietly as the rest of my friends walked in. Clint and Jeff immediately started to check on me.

Thomas came into view. He was crouched by my bedside. "(Y/n) just rest. You really need it. We will talk once you're rested." He reached over and squeezed my shoulder.

"Okay Thomas." I said slurring my words. I closed my eyes falling into yet another deep sleep.

Hey guys. there we didn't even learn. Anyways guys as always hope you enjoyed and remember stay weird. Love ya 

QOTD: Whats your favorite book genre?

A: I think fantasy and sci-fi are mine. A little bit of historical fiction as well.

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