32: Memories

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My eyes focused on the ceiling above me occasionally squinting from the lights that passed. I was laid on a rolling table.

I knew where I was going. I was going into the operation room to get a chip inserted into my head. A chip that would allow Thomas and Teresa to telepathically communicate with me.

I was the experiment for them. I was going in as a subject not as a fellow helper. Not as a relative. I was going to be sent into the Maze a month after Thomas.

I entered the operation room. Machines beeped and metal clanks filled the room. A small pinch was felt on my right arm as another person fitted a mask over my nose and mouth. The sound of gas being released filled my ears.

My vision blurred a bit. A woman with blond hair tied up in a tight bun appeared in my sight. Her face was concealed due to the lighting.

She reached a pale hand to my cheek. She caressed it, her soft eyes pouring into mine. "You're gonna be okay. I won't let them hurt you." She dropped her hand from my cheek and stepped away.

Doctors replaced her and took over my vision. Darkness consumed me as the doctors prepared the operation.

~~A Year Later~~

My eyes were watering as my best friend, Thomas, walked away knowing that he was to get his memory erased. He glanced at me and Teresa. "I'll see you in a month." Teresa ran to him hugging him. When Teresa pulled away I walked up to him.

"See you in a month Tom. Try not to kill yourself." I cried into his shoulder. Thomas hugged back kissing my cheek.

The WICKED guards pulled him away from me and I sobbed even harder. Teresa held onto me as she cried as well.

He turned the corner and with one last glance at us he was gone.

~~ 29 Days Later~~

The screens were displayed in front of me. Each one showing a different part of the Glade showcasing what was happening. My eyes were settled on the one with Thomas and Minho.

They were running the Maze together. I was to go into the Maze the next day so I decided to spend my last day watching Thomas and Minho.

As they were running, I saw a Griever appear out of nowhere. My eyes widen in shock as I yelled at them to turn around. They couldn't hear me. I called the operators of the Grievers to tell them to stop. They didn't listen to me. That's when I realized what WICKED was doing, what Ava was doing. She is trying to get Thomas to remember or kill him. The Griever approached them and Minho turned to run.

Thomas delayed a bit in turning back around. That delay caused him to get stung. Once he was injected with whatever liquid the Griever had, it turned around and rolled away. Thomas laid on the floor uncousious. The spot were he was injected was turning purple as black veins sprouted from it.

Tears were on my cheeks as my hands were planted on the table in front of me. I was in shock. I ran out of the room and went straight to Ava's office.

~~ The Next Day~~

The last scene I got of the Glade was of my best friend, Newt sitting on a log in the forest crying. Thomas in pain, screaming at the top of his lungs while Minho ran the Maze. I bid goodbye to the screens saying I would see them in a couple hours.

I turned from the monitors leaving a note behind for Ava to see.

'How could you do this to us? How could you send your only niece into the Maze for some damned variables? I hope you enjoy watching all of us suffer.
Your neice, (Y/n)'

My eyes snapped open. The memories were still fresh in my mind. I wanted to cry, scream, pull out my hair, kick. I wanted to let out my frustration.

My breathing was harsh as I sat up. I looked down at my hands to see them trembling. I look up to see soft brown eyes staring at me.

Thomas grabs my hands in his and rubs my knuckles comforting me. Newt stands at the door watching us closely. Chuck was standing next to the tall blond.

"Where are we?" I asked him glancing around the dark room. Thomas looked around as well.

"We're in the Slammer. It was the safest place to take you." Thomas informed me letting my hands go. "That was the stupidest thing you've ever done." He continued slapping my shoulder lightly. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I needed to know." Was all I said as I looked over at Newt. "How long was I out?" I asked him.

"Three days." Was his simple response.

"Who was taken?" The question seemed to catch everyone off guard. Newt sighed running a hand through his already messy blond hair. Chuck looked down at the floor. Thomas looked away from me.

"Zart, Abe, and. . . . Carl." Newt looked down at the floor. My gaze dropped to my hands once again.

"They. . .they got Carl too?" I asked my voice quivering a bit. I didn't know him that well but he seemed like a good kid. He didn't turn me down when I told him I needed him. Thomas slowly nodded.

"He told us what you told him to say to us right after you passed out. They took him last night. We tried to free him but it was no use. They took him anyways." Thomas's voice was filled with sadness.

I sniffed and blinked the tears away. I looked at Thomas. "Carl could've been a great help. He was a good kid." I didn't know what else to say. I only had just met him and I trusted him with such a big secret. He kept his end of the deal. I was greatful for him.

All the boys nodded at once. Silence took over the small dark room as sniffles came from Chuck. I decided to change the subject to what I remembered.

"I wasn't someone who built or created the Maze. I was someone special." I started out looking up from the ground to Newt and Chuck.

"What do you mean?" Chuck asked stepping closer. I turned to look at Thomas to see him with a confused expression. 

I cleared my throat, raising my chin a bit. "I am the Leaders niece. I'm the one who monitored you. I watched you for two years and I didn't do anything to stop it."

Anyways guys hope you enjoyed and remember stay weird. Love ya.

(1127 words)

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