30: H & C

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When we arrived at the Glade breathless, we were bombarded with questions from Newt and Chuck. We arrived early, well we were the only Runners that have came back from the Maze. By the time we got there it was already pretty late. The only way we were able to tell was from the wrist watches we had. The sky still glowing gray tantalizing everyone that the Doors won't close.

Still catching my breaths, I walked next to Minho as he explained the situation to Newt. My breathes left my slightly parted lips ragged and hesitant. Thomas jogged over to help Chuck prepare somethings. The three of us headed to the Homestead to see how the far they've gotten with the code.

My eyes bounced to every Glader in sight seeing as they watched us walk into the Homestead. I squinted my eyes when we all entered the storage room due to the sudden light change.

My eyes widen a bit as I see a bunch of Gladers hunched over tables scribbling away on pieces of wax paper. A few of them would get up and place them in separate piles. Teresa and a boy named Carl were looking at the Maps placing them on top of one another. I smiled at Teresa as she looked up to see had come in. Teresa grinned as she placed down the Maps she had in her hands.

I walked over to her and hugged her. She hugged back and spoke in my mind. 'I'm so happy you're safe. Where's Tom?' I pulled away from her and glanced up at the boy that was helping Teresa. He was fiddling with some papers, his brows furrowed in concentration as his long brown hair fell over his shoulders. I pursed my lips at him then turned my attention to the stacks of Maps.

'He went to help Chuck with something. He should be back soon.' As I finished saying that a deep voice cut in. 'I'm here (Y/n) and Teresa. I'm actually behind you.'

I jumped at Thomas's voice but I turned around to face the shuck-face. Teresa was smiling widely at Thomas as he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at him and playfully pushed him. He raised his brows at me but the shook his head stepping next to me and Teresa.

Newt and Minho walked around the storage room asking the other Gladers how they were doing. Teresa started talking about what they had found out so far. I walked over to the boy, Carl, and asked if I could see the Maps he was holding. He looked at me with confusion clouded blue eyes. He shrugged and handed them over to me. I thanked him and looked at the top right corner to see what section he was working on.

Section 7. I shifted the papers around so that they lined up correctly. Carl was watching my every move probably trying to figure out why couldn't do it himself. Once the papers where aligned, my eyes scanned the stack of papers. Teresa, Thomas, Minho and Newt were all discussing what they had found.

I squinted as the letter slowly appeared. H, it was the letter H in bold with lines erecting from all over. I grinned down at the papers and slammed it down on the table. Carl jumped at the sudden movement but stepped closer to see what I had done. His brows raised as he saw the letter.

"You found it." He said a bit astonished. I shrugged and smirked at the boy. "Wasn't that hard." He blushed from embarrassment and looked down at another stack. He walked over to it and analyzed it. I turned to my friends. They were all looking down at a piece of paper.

I walked over to them the stack of papers still in my hands. I caught Newt's sentence and I grinned. "It spells FLOAT and CAT. What the bloody hell is that suppose to mean?"

I spoke up holding out the stack of papers. "Add the letter H to that list." The grin on my face stayed put and even widened when a deep voice spoke up. "I found the letter C!" We all turned to see the blue eyed teen grinning in victory as he held up his stack of papers.

I gave him a nod congratulating him. He smiled and nodded back walking over and handing the papers to Newt. Newt stared at the Maps and thanked Carl. He walked away and went on with trying to figure out another letter.

I turned to my friends to see that Thomas wrote in the last two letters which gave us the words, FLOAT and CATCH. I grinned as Thomas held up the papers. "Two words down. I don't know how many more to go." He said with a bit of enthusiasm. We all laughed a bit at his comment as I fiddled with my bracelet admiring its weaving pattern.

Newt smiled at me and I smiled back at him. He turned from me and went to go to talk to Carl. 'Awwee your boyfriend got you gifts' Thomas's voice broke the silence in my mind.

I blushed and looked up at Thomas he was smirking at me as Teresa worked on another stack. Minho was beside him smirking. I rolled my eyes at the two dorks. 'First of all hes not my boyfriend. Second he only gave me the bracelet. Chuck gave me the necklace. Get your facts straight Thomas.'

He raised his brows at me as I turned to Minho. "Honey stop staring. You're drooling." Minho was taken back at my comment and his smirk was wiped off.

"I wasn't staring at you. I was staring at the wall behind you. Psshh." Minho said waving me off. I laughed at him as he walked over to me. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "The wall is too bland to stare at. You are a much better view." His breath tickled my ear making me shiver. I blushed and looked down. Minho laughed and the smirk came back. He walked over to Newt draping an arm around his shoulder, leaning into him to get a better view of what he was doing.

I shook my head at him and walked out of the storage room. A breeze hit my face as I stepped out into the open. I looked around to see the Gladers finishing up and heading toward the Homestead. The hammocks we all used to sleep in were left abandoned. My gaze settled on my own hammock. It was rocking in the wind silently.

I walked over to it passing boys who were rushing to get inside. I reached my hammock and sat in it. I rocked in it watching the movements from the boys.

I sighed as I laid back in the hammock. It felt nice to lay in it once again. I stared up at the trees above me a variety of different shaped leaves and shades of green. My mind wondered to our plan. That we would finally get out of the Maze. I so wanted this to be true for Chuck's and Newt's sake. I promised them both that we would get out.

Then my mind wandered to what Thomas, Gally, and Teresa said, that we all worked for WICKED. That we created the shuck Maze. I wanted to remember. I wanted to know if it was true. I have had some memories come back to me in dreams but they were mostly of me in a room isolated from everyone.

If I worked with WICKED I wanna know, I wanna make sure they didn't mistake me with someone else. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and my head cleared. Only one thought stood in the midst on my blank mind.

I sat back up and tossed the idea around in my mind. Listing the pros and cons of the idea. My face was set in a mask of pure determination. I was gonna do it. I was going to go through with it even if it kills me, I need to know.

Its my time to kiss a Griever goodnight and get some memories back.


Anyways guys I hope y'all enjoyed and remember stay weird. Love ya!

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