21: The Doors You Shuck

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Italics and underline~ you

Just italics~ Teresa

Bold and italics~ Thomas

On with the story.


"Why you jealous?" Thomas teased.

I just rolled my eyes at him and said,"No. Just why leave me hanging like that. You should've at least told me you were moving on to Teresa."

Thomas laughed and I joined him. Teresa stared at both of us weirdly. Our laughs died down and we got serious. Getting right to business.

"Okay Teresa how do you remember us?" I asked the blue eyed girl.

"You don't remember me?" Teresa asked, her voice was soft.

Both Thomas and I shook our heads but then Thomas spoke up. "I saw you when I went through the changing and (Y/n) saw you in a dream, but that's all we remember...but you remember us?"

Teresa just pulled her legs up to wrap her arms around her knees and said, "The only thing I remember is remembering." I furrowed my brows in confusion but she continued, "Feelings. Emotions. Like I have all these shelves in my head, labeled for memories and faces, but they're empty. As if everything before this is just on the other side of white curtain. Including you two."

"But how do you know us?" I asked my mind spinning with questions.

Teresa turned toward us and said,"I don't know. Something about before we came to Maze. Something about us. It's mostly empty, like I said."

"You know something about the Maze? How? You barely woke up?" I asked.

"I.......it's all very confusing right now," Teresa extended a hand out toward us,"But I know you're my friends."

I was in a daze but extended a hand to shake Teresa's. Thomas shook her hand afterwards.

"How did you talk in our minds?" Thomas asked but continued, "(Y/n) did it before but she has no clue as to how it works. I was hoping maybe you could shine some light on this."

Teresa shook her head and spoke in our heads telling us she had no idea that it comes naturally.

"It's like riding a bike. I bet you could do it without thinking. But do you remember learning to ride one?" Teresa explained.

I shook my head no but Thomas replied, "No I mean.....I remember riding one, but not learning.....or who taught me."

"Anyways it's kinda like that," Teresa concluded.

"Really clears things up," I mumbled.

I guess Teresa heard me because she just shrugged and said, "You didn't tell anyone, did you? They'd think we're crazy."

"Well....Newt kind of knows. Thomas freaked in front of him, but I'm pretty sure he still thinks we're a bit crazy," I told Teresa. She nodded smiling at me.

"Anyways we need to talk about that note you had when you came up in the box. It said you were the last one ever then your coma. And then this telepathy thing between us. Do you have any ideas as to why this is happening," Thomas said standing up and walking back and forth.

Teresa and I followed his figure as the questions flowed out of his mouth.

"Save your breath and quit asking. All I have are faint impressions that you, (Y/n), and I were important, that we were used somehow. They know we're smart. That we came here for a reason. I know I triggered the Ending, whatever that means," Teresa groaned in frustration, her face reddening, "My memories are as useless as yours."

The Girl Shank {Newt x Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin