14: I Promise

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The Gathering was dismissed and I was able to become a Runner. Alby's vote was a no but I had more votes, 5 to 6. It was a close call but I was passed to become a Runner. The rest of that evening was spent looking for Gally. At the end of the day, he was missing. No one could find that shank. Thomas was sent back to the Slammer with a new chain and lock. My punishment for breaking Thomas out was that I had to work as a Slopper for the rest of the day. It was not a fun experience. I felt bad for poor Chuck who had to do this everyday. Chuck was really helpful and kept me company during the day. This boy wanted to see his parents but he wasn't even sure if he had any. He carved a small wooden figure that he wanted to give to his parents, if he had any. As I was scooping up some 'fertilizer', he started to talk about his parents.

"I wonder if my parents miss me. I mean I have had to have parents right?"

I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him. I was hoping I wouldn't have to explain the birds and the bees. I shivered as I remembered that lesson but not who had taught me. I gave him a sad look. "Well...yeah you have must've had parents. I mean without them you wouldn't be here."

He looked up at me, his cheeks bright red and sweat forming on his brow, our eyes connected. "(Y/n) please don't give me the lecture of the birds and the bees."

I let a small awkward chuckle while rubbing the back of my neck. "N-no I wasn't thinking about that."

Chuck laughed. "Don't worry (Y/n) I wouldn't want to put you through that awkwardness"

"Thank God." I said scooping up some more klunk.

"(Y/n?)" I heard Chuck's voice call out to me.

"Yes Chuck?"

He dug into his pocket and took out his carving that he had been working on for a couple days now. My eyes widen at this and set my shovel on the fence. I walk over to him and took the small figurine out of his hand. "Is this what you've been carving?"

He nodded as I inspected the carving. I looked at him and gave it back. "Who's it for?"

"My parents." He answered staring at the figurine. My features softened as he spoke. "When we get out of here I want to give this to them, but I don't think they even remember me. I want you to have it."

Tears were brimming my eyes. I took the figurine from his hands and lifted it up to my already blurring vision. "C-Chuck. I can't take this. It's for your parents." I extended my hand back out for him to take it.

He pushed the hand back to me and shook his head. I could see the wet tears on his cheeks. "No keep it. I'm not going to make out of here. I want you to give it to them when you get out."

Tears spilled onto my cheeks my heart breaking from his words. "Chuck don't say that. You are going to make it out. You will give this to them. I am going to be there by your side every step of the way. I promise your going to see your parents and your going to give them this. You're fighter Chuck. We will both make it out and we will laugh at the Creator's faces for thinking they could contain us. We will make it out. You will make it out. All of are. I promise."

We were both crying as I took him into my arms. He cried into my shirt as I rested my head on his fluffy hair. I rubbed his back as tears silently rolled down my cheeks and into Chuck's hair.

"I promise."

When we pulled apart and I put the figure in his hand, enclosing his fingers around it tightly. I gave his enclosed hand a squeeze and wiped my tears away as he wiped his away. "Thank you (Y/n)."

"Anytime Chuck. Now lets get over with this day so we can go get dinner and sleep. I'm shucking hungry. Tomorrow is a brand new day and I start as a Runner."

He smiled at me and went to get his discarded shovel. We got to work the rest of the Glade oblivious to the promise I made to Chuck.


Hey Loves, sorry for the short chapter I just wanted to give some more time before the next chapter.
Anyways I hoped y'all enjoyed. Remember stay weird.

(796 words)

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