18: Missing

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Italics and underline~ you

Bold and italics~ Thomas

Italics~ Teresa
A small ache began to form in the back of my head as I sat up, tucking my legs into myself sitting Indian style.

"Shuck," I mumbled under my breath as I held my head in my hands as everything came back to me in a rush.

The girl, Teresa and Thomas in the Maze. That damn shuck-face. I need to see him but first I need to see what's up with this girl, Teresa. I pulled the covers off of my body and made my way out the door and into Teresa's room. I made sure there was no one around and sneaked inside.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. The room was empty. Teresa was no where to be found. The bedsheets were on the floor and the pillow was across the room.

'What the shuck? Where is she?!'

I stood there observing the room but I heard footsteps in the hallway along with some low voices or mumblings.

"Shuck!" I whispered as I quietly made my way to the door.

I opened the door to peek outside. I see Newt and Thomas out there talking to each other. Newt looked pissed with his arms crossed over his chest, while Thomas is trying to explain himself. Luckily both of them were too distracted to notice me sneaking back into my room.

Once inside, I went directly into the bed pulling the sheets over my legs to make it seem as if I was laying in bed all day. When I got comfortable, the boys walked in completely silent. I gave them a small smile in greeting.

"Morning Love," Newt said as he walked over to my bedside.

"Hey Greenie. How you feeling?" Thomas asked with his head hanging and his hands in his pockets.

"Better thanks for asking," I said looking at Tom then switching my gaze to Newt, "Sorry about yesterday. I was just worried about Tom and I really needed to speak with him."

Hurt crossed his brown eyes as he smiled at me. "It's alright (Y/n). I brought Tommy here for you. The bloody shank arrived at the Glade last minute last night and hid in the Deadheads leaving the rest of us worried sick. Anyways Greenie, I'll talk to you later." Newt turned and left not looking back.

Once he walked out I turned all my focus onto the brunette in front of me. I swung my legs to the side of the bed motioning for Thomas to take a seat next to me. The Runner obeyed and made his way over to the empty spot on the bed making the bed shift from the sudden weight. I looked at Thomas my (E/c) orbs meeting brown ones.

"Why did you run off into the Maze like that? You had me worried sick. You could've died out there then what would I do! You slinthead you scared the klunk out of me," I said anger lacing in with my worried tone.

Thomas stared at me wide eyed at my sudden burst but then hung his head in shame mumbling a 'sorry'. I felt guilty for getting mad at him and apologized.

He shook his head still not looking up at me. "You have every right to be angry with me. I ran out into the Maze carelessly. I'm sorry." he apologized again. I pulled him into a hug and whispered into his ear on how stupid he is. He mumbled 'I knows and I'm sorry' I pulled back and looked him in the eyes. His eyes flickered down then back up.

"Another person was talking to me in my mind and it wasn't you."

I bit my lip and nodded. "Her names Teresa. The Greenie was talking to us. She told me that she was the trigger and all sorts of things. She said everything's going to change."

Thomas nodded. I looked him dead in the eye as I spoke my next words taking a breath.

"Tom we started something. Me, you, and Teresa. I'm scared. I don't know what she was talking about but she seemed serious."

Thomas put a hand on my shoulder worry clouding his almost hazel eyes. "I might have a clue about what she's saying but they're fuzzy. Don't worry (Y/n) we'll figure this out, okay?"

"Okay," was all I said as I looked down. Then I whispered to Thomas "Have you tried to talk to her?"

He shook his head no. "No but have you?"

"Yeah but I haven't tried since she was first talking to me. I couldn't get through but maybe we can try again," I said facing Thomas.

Thomas's brows narrowed. "Are you sure? I mean you passed out yesterday communicating with me. Are you fine enough to do this?" Thomas asked, worried.

I gave him a firm nod and closed my eyes trying to find the presence of Teresa. I found Thomas's presence but I couldn't sense Teresa's just yet. I tugged on the connection that Thomas and I had and he jerked a bit furrowing his brows.

'Did you do that?' I heard Thomas speak into my mind. I nodded but kept my eyes closed and concentrated on Teresa again.

A couple minutes passed of me sitting in complete silence, until I finally felt her presence. I took in a breath readying myself to communicate. I concentrated on the message as best as I could. A slight ache forming in my head and I pulled on the invisible string bonding us together.

'How are you talking to us? How is this possible?'

My head began to throb but I waited patiently for a response. Not a minute later her voice cut through the silence but she didn't answer my question.

'We did this to them (Y/n). My memory is fading fast. Everything is going to change. I triggered the ending.'


Welp hope you enjoyed don't forget to vote Or comment your opinions. Remember stay weird😉

(1006 words)

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