8: Goodnight Shank

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My face scrunched up in disgust. The smell of rotting meat filled my nostrils making me want to throw up the contents in my stomach. Winston laughed at my reaction earning a glare from me. The barn was full of dead animal carcasses hanging on hooks from the ceiling. Blood staining the concrete ground and tables. The red liquid was dripping from the dead animals. There was a couple boys working at some of the blood stained tables cutting up some poor animal.

"Well Greenie what do ya think? This fine for ya," Winston snickered,"follow me. We are starting you with clean up then you will make your way up to actually gutting the animals."

"Do I have to gut the animals can't I just stay with cleaning," I said looking at Winston.

He shook his head as replied,"Well if ya want to be a Slopper I'm fine with it. I'm giving you an easy task. Just do what you're told Greenie."

Winston handed me a bucket of already blood stained water and a mop.

"Start cleaning," Winston said walking away and towards a butchering station where a poor animal was waiting.

I grabbed the mop and dirty water and started cleaning up the messy barn.


"Damn it!" I yelled as my knife slipped and cut my finger.

Winston shook his head and brought out a bandage. Wrapping it around the small cut on my middle finger.

"Wow ain't you prepared," I said rolling my eyes at him.

Winston shrugged and said,"Well working with a bunch of boys this is a regular thing. I have many more of these in my pocket. Always have em just in case some shuck-face cuts himself er well herself in your case."

I gave him a nod thanking him for the help.

"No problem Greenie. Now get your shuck butt back to work," Winston said in a serious tone but his face was anything but serious.

I turned towards my half finished pig. I felt bile crawling up my throat waiting to be released. I swallowed down the awful liquid and went back to work.


Finally the day was over. I left the Slicers with bandages on almost every finger. Winston was laughing at me every time I cut my finger.

I walked towards Frypan's hut to get myself some dinner because I was starving. My stomach growled loudly when the smell of food reached my senses. I smiled and walked into the hut. The dining area was full of boys who were throwing food at each other and talking very loudly. I let my legs guide me towards where Frypan was serving the food. When I arrived there Frypan smiled at me.

"Rough day with the Slicers Greenie?" Frypan asked chuckling.

"Yeah. Winston is not a kind guy. He laughed at me every time I cut my finger. That's not funny I could've lost a finger," I replied holding the plate out for him to serve the food.

"Well sorry to break it to ya shank but most boys here ain't nice. It's best if ya don't listen to them. They can be real slintheads to Greenies. Anyways enjoy your dinner (Y/N)," he said as he placed a bowl of soup on my outstretched plate.

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