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The black rain slowly fizzled out as the bus arrived at its destination. You finally open your eyes and lift your head from Newt's comfortable shoulder as you felt the vehicle come to a halt. Your eyes felt heavy and felt like they were crusted with dry tears. You blinked multiple times to adjust to the dark surroundings, noticing the tall blonde boy beside you was beginning to feather what little stuff you both had.

The man who was speaking earlier, when you got on the bus, began speaking giving directions on how to go about things now. You, of course payed attention because there was mention of food inside waiting to be devoured. Newt stood up and helped you up, keeping a tight grip on you because you legs were in fact shaky. You smiled weakly and managed to get off the bus, heading toward a huge room that had piles of food waiting in the middle. You hesitated for a second, staring at the food, before walking over to the food, grabbing a piece of chicken and examining it. Thomas walked up beside you and watched your moves carefully. You took a bite from the food, your (e/c) eyes lighting up in delight. Thomas saw this and motioned for the others to join, soon enough all of the Gladers were sat in a circle, enjoying themselves and celebrating the escape from the Maze.

Newt sat beside you at all times, afraid that you'll slip away from him. Nick and Minho were cracking jokes while chowing down on bread, food particles flying from their lips making you cringe in disgust. Thomas and Teresa were chatting it up talking to each other and occasionally bringing you into their conversations.

'You think we are finally safe?' You asked the other two, not able to look at them in the eyes.

'I am still very suspicious of the situation but you should relax a little, take a breath.' Thomas spoke up looking at the slumped girl beside the tall blonde.

You snapped you head toward Thomas and gave him a glare, 'Chucks dead you shucking moron! How can I relax when he's not here. When the reason he's gone is because of me! Because I was not fast enough to protect him!'

Startled by your outburst Thomas chocked on a piece of potato earning a few laughs from Minho who began poking fun of the shank. Teresa was the one who spoke up, '(Y/n) calm down alright. You did all you could at the moment. His death is not on your hands. Don't blame yourself. Chuck would've wanted you to enjoy yourself here. Cmon now.'

Thomas looks at Teresa and shakes his head, 'Cmon Greenie, take a few bites out of this corn. Eat a little, you gotta take care of yourself. He would've wanted you to eat as much as you can. No corn left untouched' Thomas motioned with a piece of corn toward you, a sad smile playing on his lips. You reached out with shaky hands, grabbing it and bringing it toward your lips to nibble on it.

"Now what in the bloody hell was that about Tommy?" Newt asked seeing how you and boy communicated with each other mentally, "that's some freaky stuff there. I'm not even gonna question it, at least you get her to eat. Thanks Tommy." The blonde gave Thomas a nod and he returned to eating his meal. Thomas looked down at his hands and smiled, 'at least I did something for her' he said to himself, or so he thought.

You stopped nibbling on your food to process what he had said, taking a glance at the brown haired boy, 'thank you Tom'

With that response, Thomas turned pink and nodded calmly, ignoring the rising heat on his cheeks. Teresa sat beside Thomas staring at his pink cheeks, feeling this bubbling anger rise in her chest. She pushed it aside and continued to enjoy her meal, well her to the best of her ability.

The night went on and you slowly loosened up, beginning to laugh along with your friends. Newt kept you in his reach at all times, sometimes even holding your hand whenever you he got the chance to do so. He was just ecstatic to be with you, happy and safe and sound.


Surprise! *insert Deku's soft surprise here*

After a lot of thought, I finally began the sequel. Don't know if any of you were interested anymore but I am making one. I have the main plot down and I still have some things to do but for the most part we good. I will not be updating as often for I am a working human being. I will do my best but any feedback would be amazing! Thank youuu

Anyways, remember stay weird. Love ya!


Q: would you guys like more drama or just be a little more chill with this book?

The Girl Shank {Newt x Reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz