39: We Sloved the Buggin Maze

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I watched as the Gladers dropped in. My anxiety rising as I didn't see the one person I wanted to see, Newt. Nick was standing beside me looking around still confused.

Finally, Newt dropped in. His dirty blonde hair was plastered to his head with sweat, blood and dirt. I wasted no time in running over to him and engulfing him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. His breathing was heavy but he held me closer than ever.

He pulled away from me and scanned my face. I scanned his noticing there was a cut on his cheek. I raise my hand to touch it but stopped when I realized he winced at the contact. I peered into his brown eyes and bit my lip. He glanced down at my lips and went for it.

He kissed me. I was shocked at first but I waited so long for this. I kissed him back.

He pulled away still breathing heavily, I gave him a slight smile and buried my face into his chest. He squeezed me tightly and sighed.

"Oh hey, bout time lovebirds. Took you two long enough but right now, we kinda gotta go. C'mon shanks, Thomas and Teresa have already left. Let's go shuckface." Minho said with a smirk.

We pulled away and I rolled my eyes at him. Newt only chuckled and walked toward Minho. I turned back around to see where Nick had gone. He was looking in my direction. He gave me a small smile before he walked away his head down.

I furrowed my brows but didn't think about it too much. I walked through the door and was met by darkness. The door closed behind me and we were all in pitch black. Murmurs arised from all the boys.

The lights suddenly switched on revealing a row of windows in front of us with people behind them wearing lab coats. Thomas erupted and began walking toward them yelling, trying to get an answer from them.

I walked to the front of the group but stopped when I heard the door open. I looked to see who was coming. Thomas' yells suddenly cut off and everyone's attention was locked on the two figures that walked in.

A woman and a boy in a hoodie, it's hood covering his face. She stopped a couple feet away from Thomas and the group, the boy stopping as well keeping his head low.

"Congratulations on completing the first trials. Seems that most of you have gotten out alive." She glanced at me then to Thomas and Teresa. I eyed her suspiciously to which she only turned to the boy beside her. She began to walk toward the other scientist behind the windows.

The boy pulled down his hoodie and his face was revealed, Gally. My face contorted into anger. "Thought you died Gally." I said angrily stepping forward as Thomas stepped back next to Chuck.

Gally didn't say anything he just stared blankly and gripped something in his pocket. My eyes widen and I took a step back. "I'm sorry." He said.

A flash of metal gleamed in the air before it was lodged somewhere. I glanced to where the knife went and saw that it struck home in Chucks chest. A cry erupted from my lips as I ran to Chucks body. Tears were cascading down my cheeks in a never ending flow just like the bloody wound.

I fell to my knees beside him and gripped him trying to comfort him as tears fell out of his own eyes.

Thomas yelled and lashed out on Gally, tackling him down, beating him as tears cascaded down his own cheeks. Rage filled Thomas as his fists collided with Gallys face.

Nick went to go calm Thomas down as he too had tears in his eyes. Thomas ended up punching him causing Minho to go help.

Newt sat beside me hugging me as Chuck laid there bleeding out. "(Y-y/n)?" He chocked out.

"Y-yes Chuck?" I answered the young boy. "C-can you give this to m-my parents please?" He held the small figurine he carved in the Glade and shoved it into my grip. The figurine was already covered in his warm blood, creating a pink tint on the wood. A sob escaped my lips and only nodded.

"Th- thank you (Y/n). For everything" He looked at me then up to the ceiling his eyes becoming glassy with tears. I could only hang onto him. "Don't leave me Chuck please." I cried into his chest getting blood all over my clothes and hands.

Chuck smiled as he gave me a small glance. His face paling as all the blood his heart pumped poured out of the wound and onto my hands. "Thank you. I love you (y/...." He looked up to the ceiling, his eyes becoming glassy with death. His breathing completely slowing down to a stop and his once red cheeks now pale white. I screamed in sorrow, tears pouring down my face, completely blurring my vision as I held onto the boy and his figurine. "Please don't leave me Chuck. I promised you you'd see your parents. You can't go. Not like this. Please come back!" I sobbed into his bloody chest not carrying that I would be covered in blood.

He took his last breath saying my name.

Gunshots rang throughout the empty room, bodies fell and glass shattered all while I cried for a boy who I considered my little brother.

I held onto his figurine and continued to sob. I was yanked to my feet and dragged away. Tears still in my eyes made everything blurry for me. I saw Chuck's and Gally's bodies get smaller as I was shoved onto a bus.

I hadn't noticed it was raining outside nor the people who were out there, covered in pores, dirt, blood, cuts. I sat in a seat by myself staring outside. I watched as the black rain hit the window. Blood covered every inch of my hands as I held tightly onto the figurine afraid to lose it like I lost Chuck. I silently cried to myself, shocked and depressed about the events that happened.

A fellow was talking to us but I tuned him out as I looked down at the figure in my hand. His blood covered it but it was his. Tears fell from my eyes and onto the figure just as the bus went over a bump that made me jump.

I looked out the window to see that it wasn't a bump but a person. Their body was laying lifeless on the ground. I stared at it until it was gone from my vision.

Someone had come over to sit by me. I looked at the person with swollen eyes. My eyes meet red, swollen ones. I saw that it was Newt. I hugged him tightly and cried into him silently. Apparently he didn't mind that I was covered in some of Chucks blood because he wasted no time in hugging my sobbing frame.

He began whispering things into my ear trying to give me some sort of comfort. He kissed the top of my head to let me know that he is still here for me, for a sense of protection. "It's okay Love it's okay." He repeated, rubbing my back for more comfort.

I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes. "How is it okay? Chuck just got killed by Gally." I said angrily.

He only sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I know I know I'm pretty upset about that too love but we're safe. We made it out of the buggin Maze." He gave me a sad smile and leaned to kiss my cheek. "All because you shanks solved the buggin Maze."

He planted a kiss on my lips once again but this one was more softer than the first. I kissed back thankful that he was still here with me. That even though Chuck didn't make it, we all made it out of the Maze. That Chuck will forever be in my heart and the memory of his goofy smile and corny jokes will live on with me for as long as I live. I silently thanked Chuck for the laughs and good memories.
I broke from the kiss but stayed in his arms afraid to let go and lose him too.

Chucks figurine stayed clutched in my hand as Newts words bounced around in my mind.

'We solved the buggin Maze.'

Hey shanks! If you've stayed this long thank you so much. You are amazing. I started this at the beginning of my freshman year and ended it before my junior year and after sophomore year.

Okay so again wanna thank you all. Now for the last time in this book, I hope you enjoyed and remember stay weird. Love ya!!

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