7: The Slicers

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I woke up the next morning startled and drenched in sweat. My breathing was uneven as I tried to calm myself down so I wouldn't wake up any of the other boys. I slowly laid back down in my hammock, staring at the green leaves above me going over the nightmare.


I was in a room surrounded by a bunch of different technology, a low glow emitted from the screens. I was looking around the place when my (E/C) eyes met blue ones. My eyes widen when I saw that they belonged to a girl with black hair. She smiled at me and went back to whatever she was doing. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to why she was so casual about this.

A sudden scream erupted from the door near me. I whip my head in that direction just in time to see someone stumble in. My stomach churned as I saw the person's face.

'I think I'm gonna be sick'

There was a wide gash from his eye to his jaw pouring blood onto the white floors. His eye was missing and his clothes were ripped and covered in dirt and blood. He had a hole where his nose was suppose to be.

Once he entered the room fully he saw the girl and I standing there shocked. His eye met mine and he smiled. His smile was all wrong. He had some missing teeth and they were no where near white, instead covered in bright red blood. I took a couple of steps back my hands trying to find a weapon on the counter behind me. I kept eye contact with the man afraid that if I break it he may attack. My hands were scurrying behind me when I hear the man talk.

"Rose took my nose I suppose," the man said his grin stretched with each word.

I stopped what I was doing, looking over to the girl who was next to me. She looked back at me her fearful eyes locking with mine. I turned back to the man who was still grinning at us.

"You have pretty noses. Do you mind if I have one or two just in case," he said casually.

I was speech less I couldn't think of anything to say I was sacred out of my mind. Then I hear the girl start to respond.

"Yeah I do mind actually. I like my nose and I'm pretty sure she does too. So leave!" She pointed her thumb over to me.

"Aw too bad they are really pretty, I guess since you won't give them up yourselves I'll just take them. Just like Rose took my nose I suppose," he said getting ready to pounce.

Before I know what I was doing I'm in front of the other girl just as the man jumped to tackle the girl down taking me down instead.

I screamed as I felt him scratch me. The other girl was looking for a weapon. When she finally found a piece of pipe and knocked the man off me. My face was full of scratches, blood oozing from them. When I get to my feet I see the girl was beating the crap out of the man.

She kept at it until he didn't move anymore. She dropped the metal pipe that was full of blood on the ground making it clang against it. Her was breathing heavy. I walked up to her to thank her for saving me but when I got up to her she wasn't a she no more. When she turned around I saw the same guy who attacked me standing there instead, still grinning. I stumbled backwards and slipped on some of the blood on the floor. I looked over to the source of the blood and my mouth drops.

The girl who pushed the man off me was lying now on the ground blood spilling from where her nose used to be. I screamed and backed up as far as I can, tears pricked at my eyes. I forced myself to look away and look back at the man.

He had her nose on his face grinning in victory.

"Rose took my nose I suppose," he looked at me.

Tears spilled onto my cheeks wetting them.

"How could you do this! You bastard!" I yelled at him.

He only grinned then, pounced. The last thing I saw was her nose on his face blood covering every inch of it.


I laid there going over it again. The mans face was so gruesome just thinking about it was making my stomach churn. I sucked in a breath then sat up deciding that it was a good time to go for a walk.

The Glade was back to normal, well what I guess was normal. There wasn't many boys up yet only a couple of them. I looked around the Glade and catch a group of boys standing at the opening of the Maze. Some of them were jogging in place and others were talking to each other. I saw that Minho was one of the boys jogging in place waiting for the doors to open. I decided to say hey.

I reached the black haired boy and greeted him. He stopped jogging in place and looked at me. He smiled and greeted back.

We talked for a couple of minutes, when I felt the ground start to shake. I look up to the stone walls to see that they are opening. Minho and the rest of the boys took their places getting ready to run. I move out of the way so I won't be trampled on. As soon as the doors were wide enough for them to run through they bolted into the Maze. Minho was the last one I see disappear around a corner. I sigh and walk away from the opening.

I kept walking around the Glade a bit more until I decided it was time to sit down. My nightmare was playing on repeat in my mind. The mans face kept popping into my mind. I didn't know I was daydreaming until someone snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Greenie, how was your mornin. I saw you walkin around the Glade," an accented voice said.

"Everything is alright Newt. Just decided to take a walk today before I start my work trials," I say turning in my seat to look at him.

He smiled and said,"Alright (Y/N) then let's get you to your trails. First job on the list is the Slicers."

I looked at him confused and asked,"What's the Slicers?"

He chuckled and shook his head,"You will find out soon Greenbean. Now c'mon Winston doesn't like to be left waiting."

He grabbed my hand a pulled me towards a red worn out barn. We stopped at the entrance where the boy Winston was waiting for us.

"Alright shank you ready to start?" Winston asked me crossing his arms over his chest.

I nodded and followed him into the barn waving goodbye to Newt who was just chuckling and waving back.

As soon as I stepped in I wanted to run back out. The smell was awful.

~Hey weirdos. I hope you guys enjoyed. Bye guys I'll see ya shanks later. Remember stay weird😉

QOTD~what kind of job would you want in the Glade?

MA(my answer): Med-jacks

(1242 words)

The Girl Shank {Newt x Reader}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ