38: Final Showdown

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'(Y/n), Teresa, time to put this show on the road.'

Teresa and I looked at each other and nodded. I looked over at Newt and gave him a small smile. I searched the crowd for Chuck and spotted him by himself. I raised my hand up in the air, signalling for everyone to shut up. Everyone obeyed and I spoke up. "Alright Chuck you stay with Teresa and me. We will be inputting the code. Nick stay close to Thomas and make sure you two make it into the hole. Nick you will be helping Thomas keep guard while we work out the code." Chuck walked over to Teresa and held onto his small sculpture.

Nick stepped up and stood next to Thomas, holding a knife tightly in his hand. I glanced around and grinned. "Lets get this show on the road boys! Follow Minho, Thomas and Nick. Stay close. Good luck guys. This is it...." I took a deep breath and raised my staff in the air. "Lets go!"

I turned around and saw Minho head into the Maze with Thomas and Nick close by. I ran after the three, the cheers of the crowd following behind. Teresa and Chuck stuck by my side the entire way. This was the end, the end of the Maze.


We came to the last stretch leading to the Cliff. Minho stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed that Grievers were on either side of the path. They moved to block the way through. I looked around for any ideas but none came. Thomas took charge this time and began explaining the new plan to get through. Me, Teresa and Chuck were to hang back a bit while the other Gladers rushed in and pushed the Grievers to the sides making a small path to the hole. Afterwards, Thomas and Nick would join us.

I glanced at everyone and my eyes landed on Newt. His eyes connected with mine and he gave me a small reassuring smile. I couldn't bring myself to return the smile so instead I turned back around and held on to Chuck's chubby little hand.

After a moment of silence, Thomas suddenly let out a war screech and ran towards the Grievers. The rest of the Gladers rushed in as well. My heart pounded in my chest as I saw the Gladers come in contact with the slimy creatures. They used all their force to push the creatures the the sides.

"Go through now!" Newt yelled as he struggled with a Griever. I wasted no time and began running through the mess of human limbs and mechanical ones. There were a couple encounters with the Grievers where they got to close and scratched my arms, legs, face, etc.

Blood oozed from the cuts but I didn't stop. I kept running until I got to the edge of the Cliff. I stopped and held a hand out to stop Chuck from falling down. I looked at the black hole trying to see how I will be able to jump without missing it.

I just sighed and backed up. I glanced behind me to see Thomas and Nick battling a Griever. There was blood and slime everywhere. Bodies of the Gladers and Grievers laid on the ground. I quickly turned back around and went for it. I ran and jumped off the Cliff, as I was flying through the air I made sure to keep myself a stiff as possible so that I wouldn't hit the sides of the hole.

I made it through and landed harshly on the ground causing me to roll over. I looked up to see where I came from, only to see the gray sky. 'It's clear. you two can come down now.' I said speaking to Teresa. I got up and searched for something that could help us. It was dark and the only light source was the hole. I turned around and saw something light up .

It was a computer. There was a blue glow to it. As I began walking towards it Teresa and Chuck came down. I told them to follow me and they did. We were all at the computer and Teresa wasted no time in getting to work. Chuck stood by her looking around and checking out the computer. I, on the other hand, waited for Thomas and Nick to arrive. I tapped my foot waiting.

Thomas and Nick soon dropped in and looked in our direction Teresa was mumbling to herself as the screen displayed the words. "It's not working (Y/n)." Teresa said.

I looked at her startled and stood by her side as I watched her type in the words. Each word was put in correctly but it wasn't allowing us to get through. I began to freak out. 'What if those weren't the correct words? If they aren't then we just caused a bunch of people to risk their lives for n-'

My thoughts were cut off when Thomas yelled. I turned around quickly to see that a Griever had joined us. Nick was currently underneath the Griever trying to get him off. Thomas was running to help. I quickly turned to Teresa. "Figure it out Teresa, quickly. I'm going to help Thomas and Nick." Teresa only nodded and kept typing.

I ran over to the two and took out my spear. Nick had managed to escape and was now deflecting the blows from the slimy creature. Thankfully the Griever's backside was facing me and it didn't see me approaching. When I got close enough, I jumped on to the creature and brought down my spear. The Griever screeched and tried to shake me off. I held on for dear life but one of its limbs had thrown me off.

I fell to the ground but so did the Griever. It fell to the ground convulsing and leaking out yellow goo. I winced as I began to sit up. Nick quickly ran over to me to make sure I was okay. I reassured him that I was. He helped me up and stayed by my side the entire time.

When the Griever stopped moving we all stared at it, our heavy breaths filled the room. I turned around and looked at Teresa and Chuck. Teresa still seemed to be struggling as Chuck looked around the computer. I furrowed my brows in confusion. 'What is he doing?'

I heard the clank of metal legs behind as well a curse slip from Nick's lips. I turned around and saw another Griever. I huffed and got ready to attack. I didn't last long in fight since one of the Grievers mechanical arms slammed into me and threw me close to Chuck and Teresa. Nick and Thomas yelled out my name while Teresa turned around and leaned over me. I winced in pain as I tried to get up.

I looked at Teresa. "Keep typing I'm fine." I said looking over at Chuck who stood there with wide eyes. I gave him a weak smile and slowly sat up. The boy's grunts and weapons clanking was all that was heard.

Teresa was letting out a stream of curses. "I don't understand! I'm typing everything in correctly! Its just not letting me type in the last word!" I glanced up at the screen to see her typing PUSH. It wasn't going in.

I turned around just in time to see Nick get tossed to the side as the Griever focused on Thomas. I yelled out Nick's name to make sure he was okay. He didn't respond. I kept calling out his name hoping he would answer, he didn't. I began to panic and turned around quickly back to Teresa.

Chuck bent down and noticed something below the computer. "Hey guys there's a button that says push under here. Should I push it?" He asked. Me and Teresa snapped our heads in his direction and quickly told him yes. He wasted no time in pushing it.

Everything went dark for a second. Then everything lit up. I got up slowly looking around. My eyes landed on Nick's body. I ran to him and shook him slightly. He groaned and opened his eyes slightly. I sighed and smiled. "Whu-what happened?" He asked dumbfounded looking around, squinting due to the brightness.

I smiled and looked around seeing Thomas getting up from the Griever and dusting himself off. Just then people started jumping down from the hole and landing on the ground. I looked back at the confused boy and got up. I held a hand out for him to grasp. He grabbed my arm and I yanked him up, both of us wincing.

"We did it Nick. We beat the Maze!"


Y'all already know the deal, hope you enjoyed and remember stay weird. Love ya!!


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