5: Minho

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After the encounter with the Griever Newt took me back to Alby. Alby looked at me then at Newt and dismissed him. Newt walked away saying his goodbyes.

"That Griever scared the living crap outta me." I said remembering the metal objects protruding from it's slimy skin.

"Don't worry shank as long as your in the Glade those monsters won't get to ya. Which brings me to the rules of the Glade." Alby gave a light chuckle but then his expression turned serious as the last sentence left his mouth.

"Rule #1: Do your part. We can't afford to have any slackers here in the Glade. Always do your job.

Rule #2: Never hurt another Glader. Pretty self explanatory.

Now the most important one.

Rule #3: NEVER go out into the Maze unless your a Runner," Alby said sternly.

"Got it (Y/N)?" He said looking directly into my eyes.

"Yeah, I got it Alby," I responded.

Alby nodded and said,"Alright (Y/N) tell ya what. Tomorrow you start your trails for a job. Newt will be your escort to each one. The trails will determine which job is most fitted for you. Okay?"

"Okay," I said.

"Good that, now go back to Chuck or whoever the shuck you want to go to but don't cause trouble and don't go out those walls," Alby said making sure he got his point across.

I nodded at the older boy and walked back to the Deadheads.

As I was walking I ran into Gally, I froze scared. He turned to look at me with that same cold glare he gave me yesterday. I wanted to shrink away from his glare.

"Now if it isn't the girl shank," Gally said putting down his tools to walk up to me.

"What do you want from me Gally?" I asked him trying to keep the fear out of my voice.

His face contorted in pure anger. I flinched away from him as he lashed out.

"I want you to leave! I've seen you before and what I saw was not a pretty sight. You and Thomas both did something. I'm going to find out. You're not as innocent as Newt amd Alby see you. I suggest you stay as far away from me as possible or else you're gonna find yourself in the Graveyard."

My eyes widen as he threatened me. I was so confused.

"How did you see me? I don't even remember you at all. I don't know Thomas. All I know is he was stung. Back off Gally!"

His face turned red as he stepped forward his face right in front of mine. My breath caught in my throat scared that if I moved he would explode.

"I know what I saw Greenie. I will find out what you and that slinthead Thomas did if it's the last thing I do," he grabbed the collar of my shirt once again and pulled me up to his face as he spoke the last words. "Stay away from me or else."

He shoved me hard to the ground walking away toward his project. I landed on the ground so hard my teeth rattled. I closed my eyes from the pain coming from the impact my butt made with the ground. I slowly got back up, limping away from Gally. I had a hand pressed to my lower back while I walked, no limped. I didn't turn back scared that Gally would come through with his threats.

I got back into my hammock wincing in pain. I sat there watching the Gladers work through the day. The pain in my lower area slowly went away. As I sat there thinking about what Gally said, a voice rang out infront of me. I jumped a bit at the sudden voice causing my face to scrunch up in pain.

When I recovered, I looked up to see an Asian boy with jet black hair, brown eyes, and a smirk playing on his lips. I just stared at him for a couple of seconds when I hear his voice again.

"You like what you see," he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I laughed at this.

"You wish," I said laughing and shaking my head a bit.

He laughed and said,"I like you Greenie."

"Just so you know my name is (Y/N) not Greenie. What about yours stranger?" I asked him.

"I'm Minho. Keeper of the Runners,"he extended an hand.

I took a firm grip on his hand as we shook hands. I let go of his hand letting it fall into my lap.

He smirked and said,"Nice meeting you girl shank. Maybe later we can go hangout in the Map Room."

"No thanks Minho but it was nice meeting you as well." I told him a light laugh escaping my lips.

"What do you mean nice? It's great meeting me!"

I laughed and shook my head at the boy. Soon he joined my fits of laughter.


Minho and I spent the rest of the day hanging out with each other. He told me about the Glade, the Maze, and the Gladers. All which I found extremely intresting.

As Minho and I sat down for dinner I asked him why he was out of the Maze early.

"Finished my section early. Plus I wanted to meet the girl shank since yesterday I didn't get to meet ya," he said shoving a piece of bread into his mouth.

I gave him a nod and returned to my meal which was some of Frypan's 'special' soup and some bread. I took some sips of the soup and a couple bites from my piece of bread. I was savoring the flavor of the bread when one of the Gladers ran in. The look of panic showed clearly on his sweaty features. Everyone turned to him with a look of confusion. Newt approached the kid calmly.

"What's wrong?" Newt said his brows furrowing with worry.

The kid looked at Newt, his eyes wide and said the words no one was expecting to hear.

"Thomas has escaped from the Med-jacks."

Everyone froze in place. My blood froze.

'Thomas is out there.'

"How in the bloody hell did that shank get out! We need to find him now!"Newt ordered.

All the Gladers scrambled to get out into the Glade to look for the sick boy.

~remember stay weird😉.

QOTD~If you can be any character from any book who would you be?

A: I think I'd be Maven Calore from Red Queen trilogy.

(1096 words)

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