25: The Maps

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Thomas was the first to react as he ran out of the damaged room. Every Glader in the Homestead was panicking, lights and people filled every room. I quickly ran after the brunette jumping down the steps. I met him just outside the Maze. He looked to be thinking about going in. I stood by him looking into the dark corridor waiting.

Just as I was about to take a step in, an accented voice called out to us stopping us from entering. We turned around and looked at the blonde boy. "Minho went out there!" Thomas called out to Newt. My eyes scanned his figure with worried eyes. He had a small towel pressed to his temple, where I could see blood already seeping through.

"I saw," Newt replied taking the small towel from his head, wincing, and putting it back. "Shuck it. It hurts like a mother. Minho must've finally lost the last of his brain cells already- not to mention Gally. I already knew that shank was full of it." I took a step toward him gently putting my hand on the towel. He winced but didn't say anything, both teens watched me as I took the towel from the wound. I scrunched my face at the wound, it was only a small cut. I placed the towel back and faced Thomas.

"Its not deep. Actually its pretty small. He'll live." I said with a small smile. Thomas looked relieved at the small news. Newt shook his head. "Look we have bigger problems right now than a small cut." He took a step forward and took a peek inside the Maze seeing if Minho has showed up. Nothing. He looked at Thomas as he replied with, "What?"

"Somebody-" Newt started but was cut off by me as I saw Minho turning the corner. "There he is!" The boys immediately turned to the Maze watching the Keeper of Runners run back to the Glade. "What were you thinking idiot!" I called out with two hands cupping my mouth to amplify my voice.

He arrived in front of us taking deep breaths, placing his hands on his knees. "I. . . just. . . wanted to. . . make sure." He said in between breaths. "Make sure of what?" Newt asked walking up to the tired boy.

Minho stood back up with his hands on his hips still breathing heavily. "I wanted to make sure the Grievers do indeed go to the Griever Hole." I stared at him confused.

"And?" Thomas asked raising a brow at him.

"Bingo!" Minho said with a tired smile.

I turned to Thomas and furrowed my brows. 'Thomas what is the Griever Hole?' I asked in my mind as I turned back to Minho who finally caught his breath. 'I'll tell you later (Y/n)' was all he said. "Newt what was it you were gonna say before Minho came?" Thomas suddenly asked.

"Oh right," Newt started. "Yeah you can still see the buggin' smoke." He finished pointing a thumb over his shoulder and toward the Map Room. The heavy metal door was slightly ajar, black smoke coming out. "Somebody burned the map trunks." Newt said. "Every last one of 'em"


Both, Thomas and I made our way to the Slammer where our friend Teresa is waiting, probably. We walked in complete silence as questions ran through my head. I was utterly confused to this all. Thomas knows something from The Changing, something about me and the Maze. He won't tell me. Hopefully Teresa will shed some light on this for me.

We arrived at the Slammer. Thomas stepped up to the barred window and called Teresa's name. She appeared and started asking a bunch of questions. I tuned them out as I watch Minho and Newt investigate the Map Room. I happened to tune into their conversation when Thomas started talking about variables and trials. I remembered him saying something about them before. I tuned into their conversation, turning away from the Map Room.

"Tom. I've been thinking about what you told me. About the Maze being a code. You said that I told you but I don't know exactly why. When I woke up it was as if my memories were being sucked out of my grasp. So I tried to throw out as much information as I could to you guys." Teresa explained her pale hands gripping the bars. Thomas and I nodded for her to continue.

"Okay so you said the walls move every night right?"

"Yeah" Thomas answered knowing that she was onto something.

"And Minho said they think there's a pattern, right?"


That had me thinking. Minho had told me that they wrote the sections down and compared them to the days before. "They always compare the newly mapped out sections to the previous two or three before. That could mean something right?" I pitched in stepping closer to the two.

"Wait. I think your onto something (Y/n). They do compare them but only to their own sections. What if they need to compare them to the other sections?" Thomas added in. The gears in my mind have stared working as I tossed the idea around in my mind until it finally clicked.

"When I think of code I usually think of words or letters. What if the Maze is spelling out letters?" Teresa said pressing her face against the bars. Thomas got close to her as I stood back. Watching the two.

"You're right- you're right! The Runners have been analyzing the maps wrong. They've been looking at it wrong this whole time!" I said pacing. "What're talking about (Y/n)?" Thomas and Teresa asked.

"Minho told me that there are patterns and that they repeat themselves. They have been comparing them to their own sections hoping to find an exit not a code. Maybe if we combine one days worth of sections we can find a letter or at least a clue of some sorts. We can combine the eight sections." I completed with a smile that was quickly removed from my lips to form a frown.

"That could work (Y/n). Good work." Teresa praised. I looked up at her with a frown. "Whats with the- Oh no. . ." Thomas started, stumbling back. "What's wrong?" Teresa asked pressing herself even more against the bars.

"Oh no oh no oh no. . ." He repeated looking at the Map Room. I watched the Map Room in horror as realization hit me hard. I fell to the ground watching as the smoke drifted out from the black building.

"Whats wrong?!" Teresa asked again. From where she was she couldn't see the Map Room. Tears threatened to fall onto my cheeks for the second time today. Thomas went up to Teresa and told her the tragic news.

"Someone burned all the Maps. If there was a code, its gone."

Remember stay weird, love ya!

QOTD: What is your favorite show and who is your favorite character?

A: Currently Stranger Think, Mike Wheeler but Carl Grimes is forever in ma heart.

(1175 words)

The Girl Shank {Newt x Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin