11: Tommy

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I jolted up at the sound. My head whipped in the general direction of where the sound came from. My eyes widen as a saw a sleepy Newt standing there with a tired smile. I raised my eyebrows at him in question.

"Morning Love," he greeted his voice laced with his tired one.

My heart did a little flip at the sound of the nick name.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in bed you had a pretty rough night last night. I'm still pretty shucking tired from last night." I mumbled rubbing the sleep from my (E/C) eyes.

Newt shrugged and said, "Couldn't leave ya hangin' Shank plus ya got to work as a track-hoe today. So you're going to be working with me for the day."

I nodded and stretched my arms, yawning. Newt yawned causing me to giggle.

I was about to say something but a sudden blaring noise erupted from somewhere in the Glade. Both Newt and I whipped out heads in the direction of the Box. I remembered that sound when I first arrived. Newt sprinted off toward the Box his heavy limp barely showing itself. I ran after him my hair whipping in the air.

A crowd of boys surrounded the Box Hole. All whispering to each other. Newt reached the Box before I did shoving and pushing people out the way. When he cleared the way I sprinted through it. Gally, Alby, and Newt were standing there waiting for the Box to arrive. They all looked worried, scared even. Gally looked pissed off. He was glaring at me. Newt and Alby were giving each other looks of concern and worry.

"What's going on?" I asked Newt but he didn't answer Gally did.

"The shuck Box is coming back up Greenie."

I furrowed my brows not understanding what he meant. The blaring noise was still going on. Thoughts were running through my head as I looked around the boys. All them looked.....scared. The blaring sound stopped all together leaving the Glade silent. The only sound that filled the stilled air was coming from the whispering boys but that quickly died down. It was silent save for heavy breathing.

I got startled when the Box doors opened Newt and Gally pulled up the heavy metal doors with a grunt. Once they were open the Gladers pushed inward to get a good look at the new Greenie. I peeked my head in trying to get a look for myself. Newt had already jumped in taking the first glance at the Greenie.

Newt was taking too long telling us who the shuck Greenie was so I took the liberty to jump in the Box myself. I landed with a thump catching the attention of all the Gladers and Newt. He raised his brows at me and opened his mouth to say something but something cut him off.

The Greenie awoke with a startle repeating "everything's going to change." Both Newt and I looked at each other and then at the Greenie. My eyes widen as I realized who it was. It was the same girl from my dream. Black hair with piercing blue eyes. Words tumbled from her full pink lips.

"It's a bloody girl?" I heard Newt mumble. The boys above us started to yell at us asking what was happening and why they hear another voice saying everything going to change.

Newt got annoyed at yelled at the boys, "Can you shanks shut up for a bloody second."

The boys went quiet the only sounds are the girls soft mumblings.

Newt looked up at the boys with a confused expression saying, "It's a girl."

Noise erupted from the boys saying the same nonsense they said when I arrived. Out of all the voices above me I hear that small girl voice say my name. I whip my head toward her only to see she is looking me. When our eyes lock she starts whispering something to me.

"Everything's going to change (Y/n). Tell Thomas."

Then she's out. Her body falling limp to the hard metal ground with a thump. I didn't notice the boys chatter has quiet down. I was to busy in my thoughts as I thought 'what in the actual bloody hell is going on?!'

I finally snap out of my thoughts and look up. Every eye is trained on me either confused or glaring at me. Gally's glare sent chills down my spine. I look at Newt to see staring at me intently. As if he was studying me.

"Do you know her?" Newt's voice called out to me.

I slowly shook my head then whispered a 'no'.

Newt looked away from me and looked up. He called out for Gally and Alby to help him with the girl. The Gladers above threw down a rope with a loop at the end. I stepped into the loop and they hauled me up. As soon as I was up, I called for the Med-jacks, Clint and Jeff. They emerged from the crowd and ran up to me.

"What is it (Y/n)?" Clint asked looking at me while Jeff looked at the three struggling guys lifting up a passed out girl.

"The Greenie. She passed out and hit her head pretty hard on the floor. Check on her."

Clint looked at Jeff and explained to him what they need to do. They both nodded at each other then at me. Both guys ran over to help Newt, Alby and Gally pull the girl up. Once she was up, Clint and Jeff surrounded her checking her stats. Another pair of Med-jacks, Bob and Carl, came in with a homemade stretcher to take her to the Homestead. Before anyone could question me I ran off to the Slammer where Thomas was probably sleeping or sitting there staring at the wall, bored out of his mind.

When I reach the Slammer I am not even phased from the long run. I walk up to the small barred window slowly and call out Thomas' name.


"Yeah?" I heard a small voice whisper from inside the box.

I step up all the way wrapping my hands around the bars and sticking my head in between them to get a good look inside. Thomas is sitting in a chair that is missing a leg. He is slowly rocking back and forth on his. He looked up at me his eyes restored to his normal brown eyes. No signs of the red veins that were in them last night. He raised his brows at me then smiled.

"I'm guessing you came her to ask some more questions, right?"

I nodded slowly. He chuckled and got up from the chair making his way up to the barred window I was at. It everything in me to not step back from him. Now Thomas and I were face to face. The smile still played on his chapped lips.

"Well then what are you waiting for....Christmas? Ask me."

Hey Loves. How have you been? Anyways I hoped y'all enjoyed. Remember stay weird😉

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