1: The Glade

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The smell of iron is the first thing I noticed as I gained consciousness. Darkness surrounded me, unaware of whats going on, the sound of screeching metal piercing my ear drums. 

My minds racing with questions. Where am I? Why am I here? Who the am I? What's going on?

I slowly begin to realize that I don't remeber a single thing from before, not even my own name for heavens sake. I sit there trying to figure out my surroundings for a couple of minutes, realizing that sitting there thinking wasn't really helping my case.

I began to crawl, unsure if my legs would be able to handle the force of gravity at the moment. I felt my way through the darkness that seemed to consume the space I was confined in trying to find if there was any escape from this moving metal contraption.

After a while of searching in complete darkness, I find a box in the corner of what the "room". Using the box to help me get up and I bump my head on the ceiling realizing that I only have enough room to crouch walk.

I let out a small wince from the impact my head made with the low ceiling of the dark elevator. I try to move around the box shaped elevator just to come to the conclusion that there is nothing else in the box but a few smaller boxes. I let out a sigh and sat down waiting for the elevator to reach its destination.

Half an hour passed with complete silence only the sounds on grinding metal and working gears filled the dark space.

The elevator began to slow down, causing me to stand up in anticipation. Many thoughts raced through my mind each one making me more anxious about what will be waiting for me when the box stops. My thoughts were interrupted by the sharp stop the box made making me land on some boxes that were near.

"Crap that hurt." I mumbled to myself trying to get back up.

Suddenly, the doors swung open revealing a bright light of sunshine. I lifted my (S/c) arm to cover the sun from burning my eyes. Once my vision adjusted to the brightness, I noticed that there was a bunch of boys surrounding the opening of the box. My eyes widened in shock, scanning frantically to see if there was a girl anywhere hidden amongst the crowd. A thud was heard beside me as I took notice of the boy with blonde hair and tall figure. He watched me with a confused expression that I reciprocated.

After a few second of the boy staring at me, the boys from above were beginning to get impatient and began yelling at the blonde boy to tell them who is it.

The tall blonde yells back at the group of boys saying "Can you shanks shut up for a bloody second!"

He had an accent that I could have sworn I have heard before but cannot place a finger on it.

He looked back at me then back up to the now silent boys and told them,"Its a girl."

With those three words the boys exploded saying things like

"Is she hot?"

"Dibs!" And other nonsense.

The boy turned to me and smiled, he reached a hand out to me. I looked at his hand then back at him, questioning if I should take his hand or not.

"I am not going to bite you Greenie you can trust me," he says calmly.

I take his hand with caution still unsure of this new person. He pulled me up and out of the box to be welcomed by at least 50 boys who were all staring at me. Another boy, dark skinned, broad and kind of intimidating, walked up to me and reached out a hand waiting for me to shake it. I took it and shook his hand wearily.

He gave me a big smile and said,"Welcome to the Glade Greenie, I am Alby the leader of this place."

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