the field trip experience

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Me: okay so I have all my essentials right here *sets down bag*

Friend: um...

Me: sketch pad, pencil, invisible ink pen so we can write "shook" on everything, phone, headphones, lunch

Friend: ...I brought lunch. That's it

Me: ......okay

Students #28, 29, and 30: someBODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD WAS GONNA

Me: are they actually- omg

Friend: what

Me: they're singing All-star


Friend: s t o p

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Friend: s t o p

Me: never

Friend: no

Me: yes


Me: I'm mcfucking triggered

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Me: I'm mcfucking triggered

Friend: I would be offended if I wasn't so tired

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Friend: I would be offended if I wasn't so tired

Me: *writes "shook" on back of bus seat*

Friend: what are you-

Me: *shines light on word* shook

Friend: oh my god why

Me: I am shook

Me: plus no ones gonna find out unless they shine a UV light there

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Me: plus no ones gonna find out unless they shine a UV light there

Friend: this surprisingly isn't the weirdest thing you've ever done

Me: I know

Friend: what the fuck

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Friend: what the fuck

Me: true art *wipes tear*

Me: anyway, imma draw stuff

Friend: *whips out small notebook* let's have a drawing contest

Me: what do we draw

Friend: I don't know

Me: Yuuri?

Friend: im not good at that

Me: well I don't know

*flips through sketchpad*

Me: I totally didn't just find a sharpie on the ground and start tracing my sketches ahahahah

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Me: I totally didn't just find a sharpie on the ground and start tracing my sketches ahahahah

Friend: you did didn't you

Me: ha

Me: ha

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