Paper clips

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Teacher: Go help out at the library, don't forget the hall pass

Me: Okay? *goes to library*

Librarian: You can run this desk thing, collect the papers and stuff.

Me: Okay! *sits in desk*

-2 minutes later-

Me: *really bored*

Random Teacher: You look bored out of your mind.

Me: ahahaha that's actually true though...

Me: ...

Me: *gets paper clip from nearby jar and starts launching some across the hallway near the trash can*

Me: Well its better than nothing...

Other teacher: *brings class*

Me: *immediately pretends nothing happened and collects stack of papers, putting a paper clip to hold the papers*

*class goes in library*

Me: *whispers to self* First scene of the day!

Me: ...Okay no one saw that, good.

Friend: *walks to desk* Hi

Me: Hi

Friend: Hi

Me: *launches paper clip at friend* You're welcome. :3

Friend: ...*launches paper clip back* :D

Me: *gets hit in face by paper clip* Ow.

Friend: haha

Me: *gets new paper clip and flips it like a coin* *paper clip bounces off my forehead and back into my hand* Ow.

Friend: *dying* Your forehead is magnetic!

Me: If my forehead really was magnetic, I would be stuck to the leg of this desk- *suddenly gets stuck to leg of desk* ...

Friend: ...

Me: ...OW...

Friend: ...*taking pictures with phone*

Me: ...helppppppp

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