Chapter Twenty One*

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Song for this chapter:  Strong by One Direction

Jade's POV

I looked through the side mirror, and watched as Harry's Range Rover followed right behind us. "Juliet,  just ignore him." Tyler said while hitting the gas petal harder,  to make the car accelerate. I ignored him and continued to watch Harry through the mirror.

After a few minutes,  I couldn't see Harry's car anymore. Part of me was happy and the other was hurt that he didn't even try to fight for me. But who was I kidding?  I should have known better than to think that way about him, he didn't care.

"We lost him...for now at least. " Tyler commented. "Jules, where do you want to stay tonight?  Harry and Liam are going to look for you. And the first place that they'll look is my apartment."

Damn,  I hadn't even thought about that. "Erm, I'm not sure where to go." I admitted.

"How about a hotel? " Tyler suggested.

"Yeah, but like a cheap hotel. One that they'd never think I'd stay at. I'll pay."

"No, I'll pay. I insist! " Tyler Protested. I decided against replying because Tyler wound never listen to me anyway,  he was too stubborn.

Harry's POV

"Liam,  I've messed up again." I screamed, the second that I shut my flat door.

"What happened? Is Jade okay?" Liam panicked.

"I, she, caught me kissing another girl." I admitted.

"What! " Liam screamed. "Where is she?"

"She called Tyler and left with him." I said while clenching my jaw.

"Oh my god, have you tried calling her?" Liam exclaimed.

"Yeah, what do I do?" I screamed, and pulled on my hair with my hands. Jade was the definition of drama.

"Let's go check Tyler's flat." Liam suggested.

I shook my head, "No, they wouldn't go there. It'd be too obvious. "

"Her flat?" I shook my head yet again.

"A hotel?" I screamed.

"A hotel,  but what one? There's three in town." Liam commented.

I didn't reply, I just opened the flat door and Liam followed, shutting the door behind him. We ran down the staircase and exited the building. I unlocked my car with the button on my keychain and threw my keys to Liam.

" You're driving! " I screamed and climbed into the passengers side. Liam ran over to the driver's side and entered.

He put the keys into the ignition and begun driving.

Suddenly I felt lightheaded and I laid my head against the window, closing my eyes in the process.

"Oh, Harry! "  I could feel her body, beginning to tremble with each and ever thrust that I made.

Jade's breathing increased,  I could tell that she was getting closer by the seconds. "Harry." Jade panted.

I picked up the my pace and begun thrusting harder and deeper. I wanted to see her come undone, underneath me. "Who's are you, baby?" I groaned. "Are you mine?" I asked and Jade nodded while she harshly bit down on her bottom lip.

"Say it baby, tell me baby, tell me that I am the only one that can make you feel like this."

"I'm yours, Harry. Forever and always." She moaned.

I could feel her beginning to tighten around my member, she was so close.  "Harry! " Jade screamed. Jade's body convulsed, her breathing became irregular. It was such a beautiful sight to see. Her baby blue eyes met mine, full of lust and pleasure. I smirked, loving the fact that I had made her that way.

"I love you." Jade moaned as I did my final thrust, emptying myself into the condom.

"I love you." I replied breathlessly.

I retracted myself from Jade and laid down beside her. Jade rolled over onto her side and smiled.  "Tell me, babe. Will you please tell me that I'm the only one that can make you feel like this" She mocked me.

I chuckled, " You loved it, baby. Don't you dare lie."

Jade nodded her head and reached over, so that she could peck my lips. "I love you, Harry. Forever and always."


"Harry, calm yourself! " Liam screamed and my eyes popped open.

"What are you screaming about?" I asked and  Liam pointed to my crouch with his right index finger. I looked down and noticed that I was hard because of the dream.

"Who were you dreaming about?" Liam asked between laughs as he parked the car in front of the Best Western.

"Erm.. Jade."

Liam gave me a look of annoyance, "Before you ask,  she's here because Tyler's convertible just pulled out of the lot." Liam pointed to the convertible that was driving out of the exit of the parking lot.

I jumped out of the car and ran inside the building.  "Excuse me, my friend is staying here." I polity announced to the receptionist.

"Name?" She replied while rolling her eyes.

"Jade Payne." I said and she shook her head. "Juliet Payne. " I sighed,  and she nodded her head.

"She's in room 216" I thanked her and begun searching for the room.

I finally reached the door that had 'Room 216' written on it in bold letters. I stood there for a minute, trying to calm my nerves. Slowly I picked up my hand and knocked on the door.

I could hear footsteps approaching the door and then the sound of the lock turning. Jade opened up the door and her bloodshot eyes met mine.

I couldn't take the games anymore. I snaked my right arm around her waist, pulled her body closer to mine. And before she could protest, I slammed my lips against hers

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