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By then, the entire military headquarters was in an uproar, more bandits poured out. They completely cut off Gob and his company from the gate.
Six men had climbed into the military headquarters, only four were still standing.
Sefth, Rutherford and a dizzy Gob hacked the bandits the best they could, they were all covered in blood.
Gob knew the fighting was meaningless, the path of escape was already cut off, they were only delaying the inevitable.

Three daggers flew in taking men down as it came. Gob was familiar with the signature move. He looked up at the gate. On its platform was Yart and a few dozen men armed With rocks.
"run" commander Paul yelled While the men abused the bandits with rocks.
Gob, Sefth and Rutherford ran towards the gate and to the ropes that had been dropped for them.

"what did you find " Yart asked Sefth after they were well away from the military headquarters. Once again, the bandits didn't pursue.
"no sign of them sir" the young soldier answered immediately.
Yart narrowed his brows
"bodies? "
"none commander "
"prisoners ?"
None commander "
"Graves ?"
"none Commander"
Yart exhaled deeply. He hadn't even noticed he was holding his breath.

Yart gave a bit of thought to it, kufiriko was dead, besides him, Dalian his daughter was the only skilled fighter in the headquarters. He was sure she was in charge. But where would she lead twelve thousand people to?

Gob was attending to Rutherford who kept whining incessantly about his injury when Yart's deep voice boomed.
"we're moving out" Gob looked at the dark sky, it was still hours before dawn.

Death number eight. Dalian's mouth was dry. It's lips had changed color from red to Grey. They had vigil two days in front of the palace gates without food or water. The huge stone gate wouldn't bulge no matter what they did.
Dalian and her company did everything humanly possible to attract the attention of whoever was within the walls but to no avail.

Dalian was helpless, she was equally tired and hungry, in fact she was more tired and hungry than the rest, five days they had walked without food or water. She knew it was only a matter of time before death claimed her equally.
She heard hooves and faint horse neighs.
"the bandits" the thought out loud.
They had decided to come after them finally. She was tired. Slowly, she reached for her blade.

In her present condition, she knew she was no much use, but she promised herself she would take an attractive number of them with her.

The palace was situated on a rock, whoever was coming in had to climb a small slope, that was Dalian's advantage, but it would have been more convenient if they came on foot, she wasn't sure how many horsemen she could take on.

she sighed slightly. Strangely, she wasn't afraid of death, in fact she wanted it, she was tired living in such situation.
The first rider climbed up the slope into view. The blade fell off her hands.

Yart smiled, the first genuine smile in years. His daughter was safe.
One hundred and ninety eight riders popped up behind Yart.
Dalian fought the urge to cry. Her daddy came for her.
Gob was glad, his heartbeat was fine. She looked a mess, but she was fine. He wanted to go kiss her, but he decided against that,he would get creative.

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang