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   The unnamed opened the last stone wall thereby breaking the spell.
   He strolled into the king's Reban's court. The court reeked dust and cobwebs were evident.
   It looked every bit disused for twelve years.  Seated on the throne was a sleeping king Reban. He was dressed in his ceremonial war clothes. The spell allowed agelessness so long the stone wall remained sealed.
    It could have been so easy killing him off while he was asleep but it would unsatisfactory.
   One the stone doors were opened, the only way the Stone doors could  be reopened would have to be from within. There was no rush, he had waited twenty two years, he could wait a few more minutes.
    With that, he sat on the dusty ground waiting for the king to wake.  Sefth and the man in dreadlocks fought hard, both were evenly matched and neither man could get the upper hand.
    Hawk and Oligram fought hard. Hawk swung his axe as  hard as possible. Oligram didn't have the time to dodge the blow, instead, he put up his axe as a shield.
   The force of the blow divided his axe into two, on one side a wooden handle and on the other, the head of the axe.
     Hawk smiled as he swung his axe in an up-down motion. Oligram presented his shoulder allowing Hawk's axe to sink into it almost detaching his shoulder from the rest of his body.
    He hurled the head of his axe at a distracted Hawk. The axe flew true and found a place in the commander's forehead. The pain from the blow caused the commander to stagger backwards and sink to one knee leaving the axe still embedded n Oligram's shoulder.
   With great difficulty, Oligram removed the axe from his right shoulder. He strode painfully towards a kneeling Hawk.
   He would have loved nothing more than to detach his head from the rest of his body but with his left hand alone such feat wasnt possible. So he did the only thing he could do, he lifted the axe above his head then took one last look at Hawk.
   Hawk smiled encouragingly as he was happy to be killed. Oligram let go of the axe, allowing gravity to perform its function. Seconds before the axe dismantled Hawk's skull he spoke the words
      "For sema".
   Yart plunged the blue dagger deep into Buzr's knee.
   The gigantic primate roared in pain and with annoyance clubbed Yart with  his fist sending the High commander miles away from the point of impact.
    Yart landed badly on his ribs. He didn't have to inspect it to know it was broken. Judging by the amount of blood pouring from his nose, it was broken pretty badly.
   Yart knew if he didn't end the fight quickly, the fight would end him. He picked himself up and hobbled into the palace.
    The unnamed was sitting in a lotus position when the king stirred in his throne. He blinked severally as his eyes tried to adjust to the light after eighteen years of sleep.


THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now