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" first, I want to know your name"
"just that? "Gob asked amused
"yes just that"
"am Sefth "
"Rutherford "
"Oligram "
"Marcel "
"Zeb "

The old man sighed with with content.
"what's yours " Sefth asked
"that's no concern of yours " the old man retorted firmly.
"it is actually " Sefth replied as he made a motion for his blade.
" he wants to kill me!!, he wants to kill me!!!. " the old man screamed in horror.
"he's not going to kill you" Gob cut in
"just tell your name "

The old Man revered to crying once more.

"oh Ferdil a pinnacle of athletism and strength. In your prime no pack of...... "
"we get it,  your name Is Ferdil" Gob injected trying to save time so Dalian could get help.
"what your second service "
Ferdil paused and scrutinized Gob with his Hawk like eyes making the ear archer uncomfortable.

Finally, he took his eyes off Gob
"my second service Gentlemen "
"you" referring to Marcel
"draw your sword, go outside and two hundred steps to the north then return"
"you"referring to Cabs "take two hundred steps to the south"
"both of you " this time referring to Zeb and Dan.
"let me guess" Gob cut in
"they should take two hundred steps to the east and west "
"very clever for a lover boy"
Gob wanted to bash his head in.

"you" referring to Rutherford, "start a fire"
"you with the big muscles" this time addressing Oligram
"help me move the human vegetable "
" how about us? " Gob asked eager to get down and be done with the old man's insanity.
"you two will give me a sword fight, I love to be entertained "
Gob and Rutherford exchanged annoyed glances.

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now