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    "Reban isn't the tyrant, you are,'' a voice shouted out
   The inhabitants of the arena curiously turned towards the direction of the voice. It belonged to Sefth.

      Boldly, Sefth made his way to the platform. Respectfully, he bowed to the  council then the cheif.
   " My name is Seftharian farc and i am a senior sergeant in Xan's army.
  Not one year past, the streets of Xan was rendered unsafe. The garrisons the prince kept behind tried to quell the uprising but most times ended up getting slaughtered.
    It got worse by the day. Xan's economy plummeted, food depleted. Mothers were forced to eat their children
These acts were perpetuated and spear headed by this man" the entire arena hissed angrily as he pointed his finger at the characteristically calm unnamed.
"I implore you clans men, women and chiefs. To behead this murderer to atone his deeds".
With those words, Sefth left the phone platform. He went considerably far away from the platform when the unnamed's voice rang .

   "Seftharian farc " the unnamed cooed with an even voice
"We haven't had the pleasure  speaking".
"We have nothing to discuss "  Sefth retorted. As he kept walking
"No, we do. Dont you want to know how you brother died ?"
    Those words froze Sefth in his tracks.
" Your brother was a good fighter.  So good he thought himself as invincible.
      On his own he ventured against the monsters of falcons .... I went after him in an attempt to save him.
   When i got to him, he was a mess of blood parts. One look at him and I knew he wouldn't survive. He would only bleed to death. He begged me to put an end to his misery, and I did. Quick and swift. The news was sent to your family. Obviously your father never told you.
       Because he didn't want you to suffer from the same heart ache that ended up killing him".

Tears ran down Sefth's cheeks as  realization hit him.
"You killed my father and my brother".
"In a way, yes" was the unnamed's reply.
In blind rage, Sefth sprinted towards the platform. He hit the edge of the platform with his right feet and hurled himself high into the air.
    The unnamed watched Sefth's performance with a smirk. If he wanted he could kill the young sergeant in mid air before his body hit the ground, but his plan was dependent on the sergeant delivering the impending blow.

Sefth didn't disappoint, on his return to the point platform, aided with gravity, he pummeled the unnamed's face with a punch that sent the insurgent leader staggering.
He would have done more damage had the guards hadn't subdued him.

For the first time during the hearing, the cheif of Xan stood. Immense anger evident on his face.
      When his spoke, his voice was deep and intimidating.
"How dare you disrespect this hearing. One more unruly behavior from you will cause your head to roll. You are disqualified as representative".
   Sefth was tossed towards his company. He was disqualified as representative but he knew who else would be perfect for the role.

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now