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The company rode through the morning, Gob was a mess. His mind kept fantasising about Dalian. He had to have her, he needed to.
When Sefth called for a break, he ran over to her.
"" he stammered
Dalian tried to evade him by acting busy but Gob would have none of it.
"Dalian, I think I didn't make myself comprehensible yesterday"
"no, you were quite comprehensive and am sure I was comprehensive as well. "
Gob went on his knees, a gesture that attracted attention from other members of the company.
"Gob please don't do this.  Am sorry, I just can't, you are a wonderful person, am just not interested."
Dalian stood up to leave but Gob held the hem of her dress. She tried to draw back but Gob clawed at the Fabric in desperation resulting in the cloth being torn.
Gob clung to the piece of fabric and sobbed as Dalian fled the scene.
The rest of the company looked on astonished. Only Rutherford made his way over to comfort Gob.
Sefth ordered their departure, he scouted for Gob. He knew Gob was embarrassed and he was right because far behind everyone else was Gob trotting on his horse with his head down.

Sefth. Slowed his horse so Gob could catch up with him
"am disappointed, not only are you the brightest among us but you are the only person I truly considered a rival. Watching you become a love struck baboon is disappointing.
But, I know love can make any man a fool, which is why I will offer you this advice as an ally. Stay away from Dalian, she is bad news. Am not saying this because she hasn't reciprocated your feelings. Am saying this because if you keep this up, you will get hurt or worse, get killed".

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now