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The company was licking their wounds when Ferdil burst through the door .
"where have you been" Dalian blurted in annoyance
"I went to bring you some soup" Ferdil replied innocently
"it's a good thing he wasn't here " Sefth spoke trying to kill the pending argument .
" you don't know what you are talking about" Dalian shot back
Ferdil took a look at his house and burst into tears
"you all did it" Ferdil cried
" we apologize " Sefth began " there was little we could do"
Ferdil looked at Sefth in horror.
"you all cleared out the furniture" he cried in excitement
"I have always wanted more space for my work".
"you are insane " Sefth concluded.
"I know " Ferdil concurred with an annoying laugh
"what kind of Work? " Gob asked
" he's a blacksmith " Dalian answered.
" a blacksmith? " Gob yelped in surprise.
"wanna see? " Ferdil offered.
Gob didn't think twice.

Soon, the company walked through the door Ferdil usually disappeared and appeared from.
Ferdil lead the company deep into his abode until they reached a huge metal door.  Above the door was an insignia.
"wait a minute, I have seen that before " Gob remarked.
"of course you have " Sefth replied mockingly
Gob drew his sword,  the blade crafted for him by Yart.  The insignia on the blade and above the door was identical.

"how is this possible " Gob asked,surprise visible on his face.
"well it's either if two reasons, either I made you that blade or you got it from that slimy,  old half mad smoking Birdie "
" Yart " Gob exclaimed in shock
"that's the one " Ferdil sang
"you know the high commander? " Sefth asked in surprise.
"of course I know the smoking devil,  he asked me to pick you all up".
"what?. Why didn't you? " Sefth asked in annoyance
"well you are here now, that's all that matters "
Sefth was still shaking in anger when Ferdil drew the metal door open.

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now