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Rutherford walked out the room. Suddenly, he was in need of air. He sank on the ground and sobbed.
The evening breeze was chilly, the fruitless trees danced to the tune of the wind as a snake would dance to the tune of a snake charmer.
" a beautiful thing nature is. It may not always seem so, but beautiful it always has been"
Rutherford in his grieve didn't notice Ferdil had "taken the ground" next to him.
"you are troubled son"
"nothing I can't handle" Rutherford shot between tears.
"suit yourself son but in all my years the one thing I have learnt is problems you keep bottled up always have a way of destroying you"
The old man stood in a bid to leave. He didn't go far because Rutherford spoke
"My family, I can't find them, my wife and two kids.  I wasn't there,    I should have been there, I should have put my family first, I should have been smarter"
Ferdil sat next to Rutherford again and watched him cry,
"I won't pretend I know how you feel. In all my existence I have never had a family of my own. But I do know something. The universe always has a way of reuniting us with the ones we truly love"
His words seemed to soothe Rutherford a bit because the solider stopped crying.
"one more thing", the old man continued "I think this was meant for you"
From his pants, he produced the pipe he had offered Gob.
With respect, Rutherford received the pipe. Ferdil smiled with satisfaction.

Emily was straightening her clothing when Reita walked in
"is everything in place? "
"yes, I have control of everything "
"Thank you Reita,  I will never forget this"
"one more thing, what are you going to do when you meet him? "
" put a dagger through his heart"

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now