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Ferdil was sitting in a corner of the Iron shop talking to himself in mad soliloquy
Sefth couldn't believe it, their best chance at survival was in a corner whispering to himself.
"where is Gob? " he asked the rest of the company
Heads Shook negatively.
"where is Rutherford ?"
Heads Shook negatively
Sefth had never felt the need to pray to the gods, he always took whatever life threw at him head on, no assistance requested. But for the first time, he prayed to the gods requesting safety for Rutherford and Gob because they were not only their best chance, they were their only chance.

Rutherford grabbed his blade with determination, determination that the day wouldn't be his last.
The red figure glided out almost out of no where, and in slow deliberate steps walked towards Rutherford.

A few feet from him, she unveiled. Rutherford's blade crashed to the ground with a faint clang.
"my soul " he uttered in disbelief
"my heart " Emily replied doing her best to hold back her tears
A gesture with her hands dismissed her sisters. Once they were alone, Rutherford made a run towards her but she stopped him.
"please don't touch me, am filth now"
Rutherford stopped in his tracks shocked.
"I have done bad things"
"it's not your fault my love"
Emily burst into tears
"I eat people "
"am so sorry my love. If any one is to blame it is I, I wasn't around to protect you, I love you"
"how can you love something like me, I fed our children human flesh"
"you had no choice, whatever you did we can fix it"
By this time, Rutherford had closed the distance between he and Emily. He took her into his arms in a tight embrace.

Gob returned to Ferdil's house, a mere glance at the place sent him scampering for safety.
In front of Ferdil's house were about two hundred sisters, Gob was fairly certain there was equally a sizeable number inside.
He knew the sister's wouldn't be there if his colleagues were dead. He had to get in and to get in, he needed a plan.

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now