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" A pleasant surprise ''
Yart acknowledged as he strode from the adjourning room to the dining table, Gob had woken up with the birds, split wood fire, mopped the room and warmed the left over soup, so contrary to Gob who in the few weeks he'd stayed had always had everything done for him while he slept. Not like Yart minded, it was his house after all.
Gob dished ''the usual'' into two bowls and handed Yart a bowl.
''we have to eat quickly, if we're going to have anything done in the workshop''.
"We're are not going there today'',
Yart announced, looking into the bowl of soup as if he were talking to it
'' why, what's wrong?"
Gob asked in feigned concern.
In truth he was exhilarated to be relieved of day wroth with workshop terror.
'' Nothing is wrong, we're just going somewhere else''
''where? ''
Gob asked with excitement flicking in his eyes, his oscillatory lifestyle from the house to the workshop was going to be broken.
For a time, Yart didn't answer, his eyes concentrated in his soup, Gob looked at him puzzled.
'' How do you feel about joining the army?"
Yart asked finally as he looked up from his soup.
Gob's face turned sour,
''if you wanted to get rid of me all you should have done was say so''
'' of course not, am only thanking about what's best for you".
'' Best for me, how does becoming a solider benefit me?
''well at least it help you escape the workshop".
The mention of that calmed Gob a bit.
'' Still it doesn't justify my becoming a solider''.
''Well last I strongly remember you have a problem with these bandits. If you really want to go through with it you will need resources which only being a soldier can provide".
'' Stop coaxing me. Am not stupid. ''
''Fine, we can go to the workshop if you feel that way".
''No. Fine, how bad can being a soldier be".
Yart smiled victoriously,
'' that's a good boy ''

'' Yart''
Gob called as both rode in a cart to Xan's recruiting centre.
the recipient muttered through his pipe
''Am not with my papers, they were stolen when I arrived in Xan, will I still be admitted?",
'' Do not be perturbed boy, they are in dire need of men as others have joined more luxurious business, know what I mean?, just your name and age is enough".
Siroh pulled the cart into the huge pathway leading to Xan's military headquarters. the seeming gentlemen alighted.
Gob spared some time to assess the building.
It was magnificent, just like every significant building in Xan.
'' it can house thirty thousand men'' Yart informed, " now come on"
Gob followed Yart through a long winding stair patrolled by a lone sentry.
They reached the first floor; where four city guards were positioned, Yart waltzed gracefully into a room Gob later understood to be the ''recruitment room".
Sitting behind a wooden desk and guarded by a lone sentry was a fair man with dark hair and blue eyes who judging by his almost empty desk didn't have much to do.
He rose to receive them
''hello my good sir''
Yart politely bowed. A bow so slight one could easily miss it.
'' I brought my boy here to be recruited''
''your boy?", son you mean
Yart chuckled as he filled his pipe with tobacco.
''something like that''
The officer smiled then turned his attention to Gob
'' pleased to meet you''
''likewise", Gob replied absentmindedly
''you're quite brave to be doing this''
Gob scoffed
" trust me, bravery has nothing to do with it''
The man gave Gob a knowing smile.
''Do you have your papers''
''they were stolen''
''that's understandable''
He opened a large book, the only on his desk and picked his quill
''your name ''
he asked without looking at Gob.
''Gobbarin Gargil Caridan''
Yart choked on his pipe, Gargil Caridan?, the archery god, his son was Gob?
''how old are you?
''I'll will be twenty next fall''
'' What weapons can you handle?"
'' well.... Am a little good with a bow''
''Aright, that should be all, please follow this gentleman to the training grounds".
It was a long walk from the recruitment room to the training ground; Yart was still perplexed over the relationship between Gob and Gargil, the Verlian general.
He didn't remember much of his features but from what he could recall, Gob was a striking image.
Gob on the other hand was scared, he sincerely hoped they didn't give him an archery test, he continually failed at those back home. He shouldn't have said archery.
'' We're here''
Gob whispered into Yart's ears, with a hint of fear in his voice.
Yart considered his scared featured a bit.
''Don't worry, you will do great''

The training ground was an impressive in its own right. Gob would have loved to explore but he was led straight into a huge hall.
Gob joined six other men who equally waited to be tried.
Yart was in the middle of refilling his pipe when a man fitted in armor, closely accompanied by three guards stormed into the room.
His eyes scanned the entirety of the hall. Then, he scrutinized each candidate with his seemingly experienced eyes until his eyes rested on Yart. His eyes widened a bit.
He walked briskly towards Yart,
''high general,
he saluted with is fist against his chest in standard military fashion
''Paul, it's been a long time, last I remember, you were a mere sergeant, seems you're commander now. ''
'' Its been a long time general''
Paul purred politely ignoring Yart's mockery
'' Not anymore am not''
Yart smiled, Paul nodded understandingly
'' What brings you here general''
'' I came to have my boy recruited", was the easy answer
Paul seemed puzzled.
''I see, and who is this boy.
''him, Yart replied gesturing at Gob.
Paul scrutinized Gob for a second time, taking his sweet time.
He bowed again to Yart and walked off towards the candidates.
'' If you are here, it means you picked the bow as your weapon of choice, your archery skills will determine your ranks''
He gestured subtly to the men that accompanied him and almost immediately, an apple was mounted as target for each man
Gob scoffed, where he came from, it was used to train kids that were learning to live without their mothers. The qualification to make it into Verlian's military was to shoot a strand of hair three hundred times and hit it every time.
The first man's shot was accurate only that it didn't carry much momentum, only succeeded in pushing the apple down. The rest missed by miles.
When it was Gobs turn, he inserted an arrow to the average quality bow that was handed to him.
He drew the string to his ear and released. His arrow cleanly divided the apple in two.
'' Not bad''
commander Paul commented
'' I guess so''
Yart concurred
'' Both of you''
commander Paul ordered indicating to Gob and the other man that hit the apple are sergeants, the rest of you are guards.
He inclined his head to Yart and strode out with his men on his heels.
'' Commander''
Yart called.
Paul stopped and turned to face Yart
''can I have a word with you?"
'' of course"

Yart led the way, he knew the headquarters like the back of his hand. No, he knew the headquarters like the feel of his pipe against his lips.
Yart led the commander to a quiet area
If the commander was anxious he didn't show it,
''you wanted to see me about?" Paul began.
''sergeant!. That's too high a position for a beginner" Yart exploded.
'' High general, take a look around, the soldiers in this military headquarters are not up to two hundred. There are positions to be filled''.
Yart exhaled,
''very well''
He turned to leave, then as an afterthought added.
''take care of him, if am right, he could be what saves Xan''.
Paul's face mirrored confusion.
''I shall keep an eye on him''

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THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now