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"The story told about me is true. The people am accused of killing, the chaos I have caused, all these reports are accurate.
But what's missing from those reports is why. Tribe men, women, council men, tribe leader. If you will indulge me I would like to take you all back, nineteen years ago.
My father Maxsema was  a high general and best swords man in Xan. He was one of the most loyal if not the most loyal to The king. A hero to the people well lauded for his abilities.

The king, Reban obtained a prophecy from the Darzan. A group of washed up seers whose indulgence was wine and women.
In one of their drunken stupor they prophesied that a Sema would kill the king.

Knowing Reban's lust for the throne and his lineage, my father fled the city with I and my mother.
He fled fifty thousand miles to a village where he could be no threat to the king.
     But the king wouldn't stop there, he sent his royal bodyguard Musim after us.
The brute injured my mother fatally before my father reluctantly ended him.
Reban sent four more assassins, they followed us all over the world. And one by one, my father dispatched them.

Finally, Reban sent him. His best friend, his best assassin and my foster father. He sent Yart.
I watched in horror as he out skilled my father with his twin daggers. Soon, we were being accompanied by thousands of Reban's men  towards Xan.

My father threw himself at the kings feet begging him for his death in exchange that the let my mother go.
The king agreed. Wordlessly, my father allowed himself to be publicly executed.
The next head that rolled Was my mother's.
He would have killed me too but not for Yart who interfered and assured the lunatic he had nothing to fear from me.

Hastily, I accepted Yart's offer to stay with him because I knew I had to learn from the man who bested my father. Now I am ready to purge Xan of it's tyrannical king".

The tribe leader stood up and left closely followed by his daughter and her maids.
The man in dreadlocks spoke up
"the Council will have another hearing in three days".
Both companies were escorted back to their cells. 

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now