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The company were laying around when the sisters attacked.
Sefth and his companions barely had time to collect themselves.
Strangely, the sister the sisters did not press the attack.
Instead, they ran off in different directions.
Before Sefth could alert the rest about the fact it could be a potential trap they had all pursued the sisters, fragmenting in the process.

Gob had had enough of Xan.  From the fictional prince to the imaginary King right down to their many crisis. He had grown weary of loving and not being loved in return. He was particularly tired of getting bossed around by Sefth. The punk thought he was alpha intelligent, he would show him he was omega smart.
He wasn't going to allow death.  At least not such level of barbarity.

Finding the men wasn't easy but he wouldn't be Gob if he couldn't in an empty cottage near the town square, the men Kay half dead.  The only words he spoke to the pair of them after cutting them loose was
" run, don't look back "

Rutherford was running after a few women. They were surprisingly agile. Though they had quite a head start, Rutherford was still impressed.
He wasn't sure what he would do when he caught up with them.  Killing them wouldn't be appropriate, he already had killed one of them, a feat he wasn't proud of.  Arresting them was out of the question.
It was then it came to him, he was walking into a trap.
He stopped. But it was too late because suddenly, a few dozen women emerged from the bushes.  They weren't too many, but they were sufficient to subdue him if need be.
After the target Rutherford was obtained, the rest of the sisters ambushed the rest of the company.

Sefth was waiting impatiently when members of the company tickled into the house.
Each member brought a sizeable number of sisters in hot pursuit.
The company fled into Ferdil's iron shop and barricaded the huge metal door.
Hundreds of sisters sat outside the Iron shop in an orderly manner, same manner monks would sit in a monastery. For as long as the company tarried, they would wait.

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα