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Emily shoved Rutherford away, Rutherford was confused.
"the Emily you knew and loved is dead.  Am now sister Emily leader of the tribe of angels"
With a soft whistle, dozens of sisters emerged subduing Rutherford.
He didn't resist even when his arms were awkwardly bound.

Gob had to go through three abandoned houses before he could find materials to construct what he wanted.
He poured oil into an empty clay made flask and covered the opening of the flask with cloth immersed in oil.
It was an imperfect Molotov cocktail but good enough to fulfill the purpose he had in mind.
After making five replicas, he whistled all the way to Ferdil's house.

The structure was a wreck.  Noiselessly, he got on the roof, he proceeded to set the cloth covering the flasks on fire
With a naughty smile, he dropped two of the five flasks into the room the sisters sat waiting for Sefth and his company.
The flask broke, the burning material feeding the oil fire. A combination that resulted in a blazing bonfire.
The sisters scampered out of the building.
Gob gave off a faint laugh as he watched the sisters.
With stealth, he dropped into the house then proceeded to making his way to the huge iron door.

Getting there was a mission accomplished. Now getting them to open the door became an issue on its own.

Rutherford was locked in a cell close to the town square. The same cell that held the prisoners Gob had set free.
Rutherford sat in a lotus position as he listened to Emily and Reita argue his fate.

Gob tried screaming but the entire thing was sound proof.
It was then the thought hit him,
"the roof "

"He must die" Reita ordered
"no,  I forbid it" Emily countered.
"have you forgotten,  he murdered our sisters "
"it was self defense "
"where does your loyalty lie Emily?,with your sisters or with a man who abandoned you?"
Emily Grew quiet
Reita was disgusted.

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now