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One hundred and hungry eight weary men sat up.
Yart was sitting in a Lotus position while commander Paul and his guards stood guard behind him.
"well done boys" Yart congratulated.
Gob looked at Yart with disgust, two hundred volunteers who were righteous enough not to join the bandits had come forward to get trained so as to defend their country. Gob didn't know how many they were but from what he had experienced on the mountain, he was certain not two hundred men stood on the peak of the mountain presently with him.

Yart stood up, he was wearing his coat, he brushed his Grey hair backwards with his palm and continued.
"your journey from the foot of the mountain to where you are presently was your training, as of now, your training is over"

Kufiriko knew a leader when he saw one. With a great thirst of curiosity he watched the unnamed.
Clad in humble clothing and his usual hood. The unnamed drew his double Synthian blade. The blade was designed in such a manner that the sword could be divisible into two parts.
Kufiriko wanted this man, the man who made life a living hell for those in the military headquarters, not including the hundreds kills daily.
Gripping his sword tightly, kufiriko beckoned on him to come.

Unnamed confidently strode towards him but after taking about four steps towards the young commander, he immediately fell to one knee as Dalian flew above his head. She had failed to behead him. Unnamed straighted up almost instantly as Dalian went for him again. Unnamed had swords on both his hands but didn't use it. Dalian pressed the attack swinging her blade with accuracy, speed, passion and rage, battle traits women were supposed not to have but even with that, all her strikes were hitting air, the unnamed dodges were too good for them.

Dalian had the unnamed leaving Hawk to kufiriko. Strangely enough, no bandit attacked.
Hawk lowered the the axe from his shoulders and gripped the menacing looking metal with both hands. Kufiriko in turn gripped the handle of his own steel tighter. Common sense told him he will have to brace himself for a blow from such heavy metal.

Hawk lifted his axe, his straining muscles showed the weight of the weapon and with authority crushed it against Kufiriko's blade, sending the young captain to one knee.
Hawk quickly swung the axe sideways in an attempt to behead the commander but the solider saw that coming, the axe passed overhead him while he ducked below it.

Without allowing Hawk the opportunity to grip firmly the metal, kufiriko launched at him striking from all angles kufiriko went on a rampage the only problem was hawk parried all the blows.
Hawk held Kufiriko's clothing at the collar and with brute strength pushed the commander sending the young man over four feet backwards. He then followed it up with a massive strike with his axe to a partially prepared kufiriko.
The young commander still managed to put up defense with his sword, but the axe bent the blade noticeably.

Hawk ran towards him trying to hit him in short range swinging his axe carelessly over Kufiriko's head who in turn ducked underneath while he sliced though the huge man's abdomen.
The pain flashed in Hawk's eyes. He had difficulty walking but the situation only made him more enraged. Hawk swung his axe over Kufiriko's shoulder with all his might.
The young commander couldn't match his strength. The weight of the blow suppressed the defense his blade could muster and sank deep into his shoulders. Kufiriko cried out in pain..

Gob and one hundred and ninety eight others ate in silence. Somehow, Yart had secured enough food for them although it was something Gob was used to anything going into the stomach was very much welcomed.

Dalian's strikes were getting slower not because the sword was getting heavier but because her limbs were weakening. On the other hand apart from dodging and occasionally moving few steps to any direction the unnamed did nothing. He practically watched her drain her strength.

Both men were bleeding. Kufiriko decided to put his injury to good use. He decided to play the "am out of gas" game. Hawk fell right for it.
Straightening his arm, Hawk prepared to deliver his assumed final blow to kufiriko who pretended to have trouble standing.
Hawk gripped his axe with both hands and dropped the weapon behind his back then with all his might brought it down on kufiriko who side stepped it then proceeded to plunge his deformed blade into Hawk's rib.
Hawk gritted his Teeth refusing to scream. With everything he had, he collided his head with the young commander ''s. Sending the commander to the ground with fresh blood oozing from his head.
Hawk walked with great difficulty, the blade still embedded in his abdomen which left kufiriko defenseless.
Hawk aimed a blow at the commander's head but the latter blocked the blow with his arms, as a result his elbow, the point in which the two joint of the arms met was chopped off. Kufiriko screamed in pain as his right hand was separated from the rest of his body.

Dalian twirled her head, Kufiriko's screams had alerted her, her eyes widened as she examined the picture. She disengaged with the unnamed and ran towards kufiriko. Hawk removed the blade from His ribs and threw it on the ground, a spot between kufiriko and himself.
He aimed for the head again. Kufiriko saw Dalian coming, he was no scholar but simple arithmetics told him she wouldn't Make it in time.
Kufiriko looked at Hawk, the blow from the axe imminent, in front of him a sword, with nothing to loose he picked the sword and with more speed than he thought he could muster flung it sideways. Just then, the axe smashed into his skull.


THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now