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He was about about giving orders for a retreat when A fissile of arrows attacked them from behind, wounding and killing solders as it struck.  Commander Paul was taken aback. There was no way they could get attacked from behind unless
"commander " one of Paul's most trusted senior captains called
"the enemy has annihilated our men in ambush.
The enemy had their back,  there was no way to escape to.
"retain your positions "the commander yelled

Commander Paul had called an attack with hopes that the robbers wouldn't have much ammunitions. Boy was he wrong. These guys were better equipped and superior in fighting abilities.
Commander Paul watched his men die around him. Chocking back tears he screamed with all his might.  The message was clear,
     " flee, flee for your lives".

Dalian buried herself in work together with other female military workers, bandaging the wounded soldiers and transferring the dead ones to where they would be cremated.  Her hands and white apron was covered in blood.  She was busy bandaging a man's head when she felt eyes watching her. She wasn't sure who it was. Slowly, she turned, assessing everyone in the hall, no one seemed to be interested in her.
  But in a corner was a man, he was holding his arm trying to slow the oozing blood. She didn't need a close look to perceive the wound was serious.  But she couldn't move, she just stood there transfixed. She looked into his beautiful eyes and all she saw was pain.
Yart arrived the military head quarters late in the evening, as he had anticipated, the army was given a sound beating, from experience, he knew that such occurrence came with an attractive amount of death.  He felt sorry and guilty for the death of one hundred and five men.  He should have straight out told the commander not to engage. But he wanted to know the actual strength of the anarchists. Now that they did,  it was time to face the future, sooner than later, he knew it would fall on him to lead the remains of the army. Slowly, climbed the long winded stair that led to the main hall of the military head quarters.
    Aldegario started it, he laid the foundation and personally drew the plan of the great military head quarters.  Unfortunately he could not complete it. His son Aldegario the second completed what his father started And spared no resource in making it a beauty.  In the entire military head quarters there was only one most decorated room,  it's wall was laced with gold platings. 
King Aldegario the second used this room for his war meetings.  This was the main hall of the military head quarters. It was here that the defeated army,  well the remains of it lodged.

As Yart approached, he could smell the fresh scent of blood, slowly, he strode in.  Immediately,  he spotted his boy in a corner.  He looked disheveled, dirty, tired and weak. Yart understand the ordeal, he was concerned however over the amount of blood he was losing. But the speed
Stupid boy wasn't tending to it,  he was busy looking at...........
Yart felt a pang in his stomach when he saw her. He' hadn't seen her in a long time.  So it was two men glaring at one woman.

Dalian's sixth sense tugged her and she obeyed. She turned towards Yart's direction.  Her white eyes locked with and older now reddish one.  Immediately her countenance changed. Her kind and charming pupils dilated and morphed into an angry bull like one.
    Yart noticed this but didn't do as much as twitch. It's was almost as if he expected it. Gob noticed Dalian was looking elsewhere, he followed her eyes and it surprisingly led to Yart.
"isn't she too young for you? " Gob muttered silently
" high commander" a sober voice called behind Yart. The old man didn't need to turn round to know who it was.
Nevertheless he had to.
     Yart slowly turned round to face commander Paul,  his armour had lost its shiny qualities due to the amount of blood smeared on it.
   His eyes were bright red obviously he had exhausted a decent amount of time crying. Something that should be unheard of in a military commander.
  "high commander " he called again
  "one hundred and five of my men. D... " he chocked on his words. He couldn't complete it, he couldn't even believe it.
Involuntarily, the Tears rolled down his cheeks. Every soldier watching had tears in their eyes some wailing openly and without shame.
Gob's indignation  and excitement about war was all but diminished all that remained was a heavy heart and tears rolling down his cheeks, Rutherford's case was one of the outstanding performances as he was weeping uncontrollably.
   The only person in the entire military hall who wasnt crying was Yart. While the military headquarters was echoing with cries Yart slowly dipped his hands into his tunic and in symphony to their cries started creating shapes in the air.

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now