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Gob mashed his jaws and heaved. He was prepared for at outcome.
  The unnamed stopped in front of him and extended his hand.
"I will have this dance".
Gob considered his hand for a moment then replied
The unnamed narrowed his eyes
   "I wasn't asking".
Gingerly, Gob clasped his hand into the unnamed's and allowed himself to be led to the dance area.
They weren't dancing they merely walked in circles.
" Gobbarin Gardil Caridan
Gob was taken aback.
" How did you know my name?".
   "That?, Well when I heard Yart had taken interest in a young man, I did my research. A failed Archer who absconds from home because he couldn't handle pressure".
  Gob tightened his jaw even more.
  " You're just trying to get under my skin"
The unnamed smiled.
" Maybe or just maybe the truth is you would have been better off had you stayed in Verlain. Am quite certain av told you this already, anyone Yart hand-picks always ends up dead, sacrificed by Yart himself ".
" That's not true" Gob countered.
" Haven't you ever wondered how Yart's firstborn died".
Gob's senses perked, his curiosity greatly enhanced.
" You see Oomb and I grew up together, him being the hand-picked. his fighting skills were unequalled until our dear father decided to sacrifice him at the front lines against the monsters of alcron. Then I became the hand-picked"

" It wasn't Yart's fault his son died". The unnamed laughed yet again.
  "You know nothing. Yart sent me to the front lines. I rebelled now I am useless to him so he takes in a new protege, one that will end me and become the new".
   Gob's breathing became laboured.
"You just trying to get into my head".
"Am I?. Deep down in your gut, you know what I speak is the truth but I won't bother trying to convince you to join me, to join the good side, the righteous side. To join me overthrow a tyrant king and his assassin who turned out to become the most horrible father the worlds ever seen. No I won't waste my breath for your senses have been clouded by blind loyalty".
    " Then why are you here?".
" I came concerning the family name. You see Yart may have been a horrible father but he instilled something in all this handpicked, honour. Honour for the family name, and I will not see a vagabond discrete the name.
    I would have  proposed a fight to the death but we both know your fighting skills are useless. So I implore you as the remaining and soon to be only surviving handpicked, give honour to the name".
With those words the unnamed strode away
"Wait " Gob ordered
The unnamed stopped in his tracks
" What do you mean you will soon be dead"
Without giving as much as a glance towards the ear Archer
" That's not of your business is it?"
He strode away leaving the hall

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant