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Gob arrived the military headquarters that evening. Thanks to the time spent with Dalian he was light headed. He went straight to his room and crashed.
Thirty-three blocks away from Gob's room was a room, this room held two of the most important people in Xan's military
Yart and commander Paul.
Yart was smoking on his pipe. Commander Paul had sent for him. He knew the commander wanted to relinquish power to him and honestly. He wasn't looking g forward to it.
" high commander". Commander Paul began
"Am not going to pretend I know what to do anymore, if there is anyone that can take down these weed it's you. Am aware you are retired but Can needs you "
Yart smoked some more before stating
"I accept. But only until this is over"
"thank you, high commander "
"how many men do we have "
"barely two hundred, why? "
" the enemy has the advantage of numbers, if we are going to win, I'll need warriors"
"we train almost everyday"
"no I don't mean that, I mean warriors, men with heart, not push over's"
" how do we achieve that? "
"am sure we can put the mountain to good use".

The morning wasn't pleasant. The soldiers were informed they would be going to mount syline for training.
The idea of going back to the clutches of death did not sit well with Gob. They had an hour before moving out, meaning he had an hour to see Dalian.

Dalian was busy, her portion of work which she had neglected the previous day, a day spent with Gob was there. Gob strode in as usual not minding the other women who looked at him in disgust.
A proper solider shouldn't be chasing after women.
Dalian's face lit up when she saw him. Hand in hand, they stepped out.

Kurifiko was a senior commander. At just twenty seven years, he had rose through the ranks, and it was all on merit. He was one of the best fighters the headquarters had. He was smart, dedicated and a good leader. He was the solider Yart put in charge of taking care of the headquarters.

Yart led his company to the mountain. All Gob could think about was the kiss Dalian bestowed on him. He was sure he would survive anything his desire to see Dalian again would conquer anything. He was sure of it.

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now