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''have you come to a decision?"
Yart asked whilst dishing out dinner
''what decision?''
Gob asked absentmindedly as he felt his butt to see if the wound still hurt
Yart paused
'' Do you intend to stay here or in your quarters at the barracks"
'' I see''
Gob retorted suddenly serious.
'' You still intend to get rid of me, don’t worry, I’ll be heading to the barracks bright and early tomorrow morning ''.
Yart wished to protest, he wanted to explain that the barracks could chisel him into a fine warrior but before he could, Gob waved him off.
''Aren’t you going to eat your dinner?"
Yart asked quietly
'' Am tired of eating that. Goodnight Yart''
Yart stood there perplexed; he had unwittingly sent the boy away, perhaps forever. He walked towards the adjourning room, the last thing heard from yart that night was him closing the door.
Pandum whistled happily to himself, he was an antique dealer; he had brought his goods to the vast city of Xan for sale.
He was well aware of the stories of robbery but trading with risks was what had brought him such fortune.
A sale in Xan was guaranteed money and the thought warmed him thoroughly.
He kicked his horse urging it to go faster, he had to find an inn for the night, in the morning he would head with his wares to Aldegario.
He heard shrill sounds from behind before he gather his bearings, an arrow impaled him from the base of his head and protruded through his right eye.
He felt sharp pain, and then darkness engulfed him.
He fell off his horse; the animal kept running straight into the waiting arms of the robbers.

Yart walked out through the adjourning room, he could barely recognize his own house.
The broken plank walls were rebuilt; window frames repaired, the floor was scrubbed, all in all. The entire house had a fabulous appearance.
Gob came though the door drenched in sweat. He graced Yart with a smile
''good morning Yart''
'' Your parting gift'' Yart observed ignoring the pleasantries.
Gob gave of another smile, Yart took a second look at the room, the few clothes Gob had was packed neatly and wrapped carefully in a larger cloth.
'' Many thanks you Yart for all what you’ve done for me, you have my gratitude''.
Yart wasn’t the type that showed emotions readily but this time he allowed his face to mirror sadness. He loved the lazy kid; nevertheless, he had to let him go.
Gob grabbed his bow, slung his clothes over his shoulder and pulled opened the door. He took one more glance at Yart, bowed and exited.

Gob was posted to guard the outpost of the city.
He assigned to join a man named Rutherford a fellow sergeant who guarded the outpost alone.
As sergeants, Gob was allowed many benefits, one of them, he was riding on.
In addition was a personal quarter and pair of clothing. Food was already his right, no matter how small, it definitely was better than chewing on stale bread and cinnamon soup every single day.

He reached the structure best known as ''the outpost''.
He had first seen it when he first arrived Xan.
No doubt the man who asked for his papers was Rutherford.
He took a good look at the outpost, It was a wooden structure, high enough to have a bird's eye view of the surroundings.
It was equipped with a beacon to alert against any possible danger.
He highlighted from his horse and took the ladder attached to the structure
He was on the third rung when a voice called from above
"you must be Gob''
the ear archer looked up to see a fair face with short brown hair smiling at him.
'' And you must be Rutherford''.
The man smiled still. He straightened his hands and beckoned on Gob.
Gob hurried up the rungs and grabbed Rutherford’s hands. The later pulled him up.
''Many thanks Rutherford"
'' think nothing of it, but if you find the name too long, you can just call me Ruther or ford''.
''As you please, Ruther or ford'' Gob joked, Rutherford laughed at it.

'' Commit a crime here and you can kiss your mama adieu. You will never see her again''.
Rutherford warned as he allowed a man passage after inspecting his papers.
The man thanked him and  strode through the city gate, Gob sighed, he was totally annoyed.
Rutherford’s stupidity and wrong choice of words had caused him to be lax and vulnerable.
Now he was repeating the same jargon to unsuspecting travelers, instead of alerting them about the situation.
'' ……….. Kiss your mama adieu, you will never see her again'' Rutherford continued his speech, this time addressing an obviously newly married couple. They left gratefully,
''  Stop ''
Gob ordered. The couple stopped puzzled, Gob strode towards them, assessed them for a while then continued
'' This city is filled with robbers and cut throats, you will do well to be cautious''.
Gob could sense the fear oozing from the couple, but he cared not, he had warned them,
Rutherford elbowed him
''What are doing, you are giving the city a bad name''
''it already has a bad name, the best we can do is warn the people about it''
'' Do you realise you're challenging a direct order from Commander Paul''
'' What’s more important? Commander Paul’s orders or people's safety"
Rutherford couldn't argue with that logic.

It was his first day, and Gob totally enjoyed it.
Yelling and screaming at travelers’ to produce their papers definitely beat working in an iron workshop.
But like all good things the day came to an end. Rutherford though likable had to go back to his wife and family, for a moment he had steered his horse to go back to Yart’s dwelling, then it hit him, he was no more needed there.

He sank into his bed in the barracks, unlike his stone-like foam back in Yart’s house; this bed was fantastic, a knock rapped on his door.
'' Use the back door Yart', am too tired to stand''.
Gob moaned in his almost slumber then he realized where he was, his eyes flew open and he hastily raced to the door and opened it.
Standing before him was a girl not more than twenty five.
She was in uniform, her eyes were blue, long dark hair that claimed most of her back with a smile that could disarm the devil.
Gob was too absorbed with her features to notice she was holding a tray, she kept smiling then gently poked the tip of the tray against Gobs stomach.
Only then did he notice the tray, he realized she was the barracks cook.
Gob received the tray, thanked her and closed his door.
The thought of eating anything other than cinnamon soup excited him,.
With gusto, he opened the plate covers and there it was the change of food he wanted, mushroom soup with bread. The food excited him at first but when he accessed the quantity he became vexed.
The stew did not survive the fourth spoon when it finished the bread finished long before then.
Gob swore under his breath,  tossed the tray aside and went to bed.

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THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now