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"more magic. Thanks but definitely not interested".
She walked up to Gob.
"Do you trust me? "
Gob considered her for a moment
She gave off a frustrated sigh.
"One encounter with the Hugh priest and you loose all your nerve".
"Well go in there, ask him to place his palm over your neck, let's see how much nerve you will have left".
Safara softened her stance
"I don't want to spend the rest of the day alone and bored. Please. For me ".
Gob considered for a moment.
"Fine. I doubt it would be much worse than the high priest".
Safara was all smiles.
"Race you there " she giggled
With a sigh Gob participated in the exercise.

They ran miles.  Safara's energy seemed inexhaustible, she was barely sweating. Gob on the other hand had trouble. She gaped him in yards. They arrived a rickety structure after what seemed to Gob as eternity. The structure wasn't very different from the abode that housed the high priest. Gob refused entry.

"You can go in and do all you want to. I'll patiently wait here ".
Baffled, the princess glared at him.
"How am I supposed to show you what I want to if you stay here?".
"What gives you the impression I want to see what you are so hell bent on showing me " Gob shot back equally glaring at her.
"Last chance " the princess warned.
"Or what? ".
The princess snapped her fingers producing fire. With a flick of her wrist, the fire morphed into a flaming chain.
Realization dawned on Gob.
"You wouldn't use that ".
The princess smiled.
"Wouldn't I".
By means of a flaming chain. Gob was dragged into the structure. Thankfully the flames didn't hurt him.
There were hundreds of bowls filled with white sand all orderly arranged on wooden platform.

Gob didn't need to be told not to touch anything. He didn't fancy an encore titled meeting the high priest.
"The Ga-za-han means sand of invisibility "
"I see. This is what gives your men their Invisibility ".
"Obviously, try it". She offered some of the sand to Gob.
Gob recoiled as if he we're presented poison.
"No thanks".
The princess grinned.
"Have it your way then". With that she swallowed the handful of sand rendering herself invisible.
   The next thing Gob felt was sharp pain. Pain that sent him to the ground. The little witch had punched him.
He knew what her end game was. She was hoping to force him into using the sand. What a joke
Safara was elated she knew Gob would refuse to use the sand. She proceeded to beat him to pulp.
Gob reached for the sand and poured it into his mouth. Immediately, he headed for the door.
    He knew he was invisible. He found a rock and sat on it.
He didn't know how to thwart the effects of the white sand. His body was battered thanks to Safara. His mind muddy thanks to the high priest. Everything so far in Safurum was deadly he would enjoy his time on the rock, enjoy the warm air before the princess found....
      "hello handsome"
Gob sighed in frustration.
"You can see me? ". Gob asked
"No, but I can sense you ".
"How do I make myself visible ".
"Just will it as you would will your arm to move ".
Gob gave it a try and it worked. The princess took a seat beside him.
  "Beating you up was fun".
  "Am sure it was " Gob replied sarcastically.
  "Am curious about something ".
The princess sat up.
"About? ".
"Are your tribes people really satisfied here?. I mean with all the powers I've seen on display am surprised your people haven't bothered with ruling the world or expanding at the very least".
The princess smiled
"I shouldn't be telling you this but apart from I, everyone else loses their powers at the borders. Gob was puzzled.
"Everyone? "
The princess smiled
" I know where you're to and yes even the high priest loses his powers at the borders".
Gob released his breath, a sigh of relieve.
  "Now I can sleep peacefully".
The princess smiled and leaned his head on Gob's shoulder.
    "Thanks, you made my day".
Gob smiled. He didn't love her, his heart still pined for Dalian but he liked her nonetheless.
He leaned his head dropping it on hers.
"Thank you Safara ".
He wasn't roughly escorted to his cell that evening because the princess walked him down.
"I really like you " the princess confessed.
When they arrived the prison grounds,  Gob stammered the princess laughed
  "I know you don't feel that way about me yet".
Gob leaned in and pecked her.
"I like you too".


THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora