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He was careful not to touch anything else. Out of curiosity, he reached out to touch the earthen pot. Immediately his fingers came in contact with the earthen pot, the high priest's voice came into his head.

"Why are you here dragon? ".
Gob went wild.
"Get out of my head". He screamed aloud.
The high priest began to chant
"Dragon!!.  Dragon!!!. "
Gob began to bleed from his nose.
"Why are you here ". The High Priest questioned again
"I come seeking help".
"What kind of help would a dragon seek from Aithia".
"I need help to destroy my enemy".
The high priest crackled with laughter, laughter that seemed to echo through the depths of Gob's soul.  Blood ran down from his mouth.

"A dragon seeking help to destroy. This is to be documented ".
"Stop calling me dragon " Gob ordered willing himself to take his hands off the earthen pot. He succeed. Hastily, he turned to go. To his dismay, standing right there in front of him was the high priest.
He was garbed in white garment, his face carefully intricate with white charcoal.
    His hair was bushy, in his hand was the earthen pot Gob had held seconds prior.
Gob glanced at the shelf, the earthen pot was absent.
In a flash, the high priest glided towards Gob and clasped his hand over Gob's neck.

It seemed as if the air was being sucked from his lungs.
He saw visions. He saw himself beside the unnamed. He watched in horror as an archer let an arrow fly towards Yart who was being bound to a chair.
   He saw himself stand behind himself back when he took the final look at his mother before leaving Verlain.
He saw the himself beside Yart. He watched as Yart crushed the throat of the archer who fired at him. Then it all went dark. All he could hear was his voice.
"You have no idea do you? How much power you possess".
    He let go of Gob's throat. Gob took deep breaths
"You haven't tapped into your powers dragon".
Gob shook his head multiple times to stabilize his vision.
     "You will poise a problem to the goddess Aitha in future. I could end you right now'.
  He returned his palm to Gob's throat.
Gob tried to wrest his hand away, before he could accomplish that, the visions returned.

The high priest withdrew his hand. Immediately, the visions ended.
"But I won't, for it was not written for you to perish by my hands. But if I sense any hostilities, any step out of line. In fact if you do so much as breath wrong, I shall end you, permanently ".

"Gob!! "
The princess yelled as she ran on the balls of her feet looking for Gob. When she found him, the high priest had vanished.
"Are you alright? ".
With great difficulty, Gob forced himself out of the shrine. He headed for the fields with the princess hit on his heels.
"What happened? ". The princess asked, worry evident in her voice.
"I saw him". Gob replied slowly.
The princess brow knit up.
"And? "
" I wasn't welcome". Gob summarized,  not willing to go into details.
The princess burst into laughter
"no one is ever welcomed, even my father".
Gob didn't join her laughter
The princess was taken aback.
"Did he hurt you? ".
Gob turned his neck exposing his neck. The cicatrice left from the priest's grip could be seen.
   "That's extreme" the princess shot out angrily.
"I'll have a word with him".
Gob objected as he held her in place
"Am sorry " the princess cooed nuzzling her lips on Gob's ear.
"Its not your fault. I'd like to return to my cell".
"Why? "
The princess asked perplexed.
"I've had enough outing for one day".
"Nonsense, the day is still young plus what am about to show you would be absolutely awe inspiring".
" not interested "  Gob clarified.
"You didn't even let me tell you where am proposing we go".
Gob intertwined his arms against his chest and stared at her, a posture that conversed
"Am listening ".
"I want to show you how we are able to appear and disappear at will".

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now