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Sefth and Rutherford shook hands.
"The night before the war".
Rutherford muttered in-between puffs.
"What do you plan to do after this war".
Rutherford asked directing his question to Sefth.
"You do realize we have two demi-gods coming for us don't you?" Sefth countered.
"Not to mention the entire mount Slyine " Gob cut in.
Sefth gave it a little thought.
"Sefth gave it a little thought "
"I haven't thought about life after the war, I'll just take it as it comes".
"The only goal I have as of now is Seam's head".
"How about you?" He redirected the question back at Rutherford.
"Once this is over, am going after my family".
"And you?"
Gob thought about the question before answering.
"Am going home".
Yart was dressed in his regular work clothes as he found Ferdil's amour too heavy.
He could smell it, dust. More than twelve thousand inhabitants of the palace watched with a mixture of fear and awe as a dust storm appeared at the horizon.
Yart's voice boomed through the cold night.
" Formations, they will be on the wall by dawn ".
As if remoted more than twelve thousand soldiers choreographed into formation.
Dawn wasn't fully upon them when cheif Safara emerged from the dust storm. Which by now had come dangerously close to the wall.
All what the soldiers could see was the outline of a figure in a chariot.
Gob couldn't see her face but he was certain it was Safara emerging from a dust storm with a chariot drawn by cheetahs. No one else could have such impressive entrance.
Yart watched the figure. He had never met Safara but he knew the figure was the head.
The figure was three thousand yards away from firing range but the high commander dipped his hand into his tunic and produced one of the thousands of daggers he had harbored in his tunic.
He did not aim, he just threw the blade flew rotating. Safara didn't see the blade coming but Gob did. His heart skipped a beat as the dagger embedded itself in her forehead.
Safara pulled the blood coated dagger out of her skull. Yart exhaled deeply. He knew he just annoyed her.
At this time, the rest of Safara's army had pulled up behind her.
Cheif Safara cracked the bones of her neck by jerking her head.
Immediately the millions of animals that accompanied the cheif raced towards the walls. The animals cast themselves on the re-enforced stone wall of the police and died from the impact.
The unnamed pulled up in a chariot with his commander. He watched as elephants, antelopes, bats, bulls, wolfs, lions. Every animal that hit the wall died from the impact and left nothing but a pool of blood.
Gob watched in awe as the women soliders who looked smart in armour fired arrows at the animals in flawless chorography.
He had been impressed with Yart for turning twelve thousand scared women into soliders but he now revered him for achieving such level of coordination with them.
Yart allowed himself to hope. If the other demi-god did not show up, they stood a chance perhaps the arathani couldn't get to him. So the high commander allowed himself to hope.

THE EAR ARCHER Part 1  (Completed) #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now