23. Confusion

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Saturday September 4

Maya's P.O.V.

The movie ends and the credits start to roll across the screen.  I look over at Jason.  Something tells me he's up to something.. 

"Would you guys mind if I bail out for the rest of the night?" Jason asks all of a sudden.

"I wouldn't," Dylan says "but I'm not sure about Maya."

Jason looks directly at me waiting for a response.  He wants to leave?  He seemed so enthusiastic about coming over earlier?  Now I'm getting really suspicious.

"Uh.. sure.  Go ahead."

"Ok, thanks.  Bye guys, have fun," Jason says as he walks out the door.  I'm definitely getting the feeling that something is going on here, but I don't know what.

I don't know why I torture myself like this.  Haven't I found out first hand that it really stinks to like two boys at once?  So why am I doing this again?  I'm seriously losing my mind.  Ever since I moved here..

"So, now what should we do?" Dylan asks.

Go find out what Jason is up to?  Stalk him and find out what's his deal?  I guess that's probably not what Dylan wants to hear me say, but that's what I'm thinking.

Both of us are silent for a little while.  It's one of those silences that isn't quite awkward, but not quite comfortable.

"How about we jump on the trampoline for a little and then maybe we'll think of something to do?" Dylan suggests.

"Ok."  I get up and follow him outside. 

We jump on the trampoline for maybe a half an hour before we go back inside.  I don't know why, but I'm having that feeling you get when you're physically somewhere, but not mentally.  It's like my body is here with Dylan, but my heart and mind are chasing after Jason.  Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun with Dylan, it's just not as much fun as I usually do.  Jason changing his personality has me confused, that's all.

Dylan and I go back and quietly sit on the couch.  Once again a quiet silence falls over us.  What's going on?  What happened to the times where we would talk and talk and we still had so much to say?  Or that time we almost kissed when Dylan was in the hospital? 

Maybe it's me..  Maybe I'm the one who keeps pushing us farther back because I'm helplessly and hopelessly holding on to Jason and hoping that he'll make a move.  Well, I'm not completely sure what's going on here, but I can't wait forever for Jason.  And even if he comes around, would it ever work out?  Is Jason even going to stay the way he is now?

So many questions and so little answers. 

Dylan's P.O.V.

I can't help but feel that something is caught in between Maya and me.  What could be keeping us from taking things to the next step?  Or even just talking?  The worse part is, I think she notices too.  It seems we both know that there's a problem, but we don't know what it is or how to fix it. 

I want to get back to the time when I almost kissed her.  I really like Maya, and I feel she really likes me, so why can't we both just step up and both of us happy?  And Jason is even here to interrupt, not that he really does, but it's nice to have alone time with the person you really like.  It's kind of hard to enjoy it though when the relationship is stuck standing still.  Kind of like it's just frozen in time. 

Maybe I just need to make a move.  I know she knows that I care about her, but how much I don't know.  I guess it's time to show her.  Looks like I need to get the courage to ask her out.  What better time that tonight being as we are alone? 

Jason's P.O.V.

I leave the Wolfe's house and quickly walk back to my house and grab my bike.  I told Trisha that I'd meet her at the Sweet Spot Cafe in 15 minutes.  That's just enough time to make it over there. 

I get on my bike and start riding.  I love the thrill of riding, I guess it's just the speed and feeling the wind blow past you.  It always makes me relax.

I haven't been on a bike in a while though.  Not since the accident and all that crazy stuff when I was a complete jerk.  Looking back, it feels like ages since those events happened, but in actuality, it's been a few days.  So far, things haven't been that hard.  Well, not as hard as I expected.  My tempter has been pretty good lately.  Grades, they look like they're getting even better (not that they were bad, unless you call straight A's failing).  So basically, my life is finally starting to seem worth it and so far, the storm passed and right now I'm dancing under the rainbow. 

My mind gets lost in all my thoughts, and before I know it, I've arrived at the cafe.  I park my bike in the rack.  I then proceed to walk into the cafe to wait for Trisha.  I grab a seat near the big windows with a nice view of the little town and the people enjoying their Saturday night. 

I pull out my cell phone and check the timing.  6:05.  Nice, she's right on time for being fashionably late.  As soon as I put my phone away I see her walk in out of the corner of my eye.  Trisha is one of those girls who gets all the guys staring, well the guys who think making out with a girl every once in a while is dating.  Not that I would really know what dating is like, but I'm working on changing that...

"Hey Jason," Trisha says as she puts her purse on the small round table in front of us.  I quickly pull out her chair, remembering that I told my self I would try to be more gentlemen-like.  She smiles at me before taking her seat.

"Always a charmer aren't you Jason?"

I looked at her confused.  Since have I been a charmer?  As far as I'm concerned, I've been anything but a charmer.  Is she on drugs or something or is this just a game to get me to be her boy toy?  (Not judging I swear.)  Been there done that.  I still remember what it was like when we were involved and I was her 'boy toy.'  Never going back to that again.

"So what have you been up to?" she asks me.

"Attempting to not cause anymore chaos?"  She laughs.

"Yeah, I heard all about that.  I'm glad you've decided to change your ways.  I never thought you were all that bad when we were together, but then..  I don't know.. you kind of changed."

I nod.  "Yeah, I was a complete jerk, I know."

She patted my hand lightly and stared into my eyes.  "This is nice, hanging out again in a cozy cafe like we used to."

I look around the cafe.  "Yeah, it is."

Trisha and I catch up on all kinds of things and I'm actually having a pretty good time.  It seems that not only did I change, but she changed too. 

The waitress comes over to us and we order 2 hot chocolates and we decide to split one of their blueberry muffins.  Why would you want to split a muffin?  When it's about the size of a softball or maybe even larger.

We chat and eat some more until I notice that Trisha or as she prefers me to call her "Trish" starts acting squirmy.  I look up from my half of the muffin and gulp.  Now I see.  I groan silently.  Why now?  Why here?

*Gasp* What's going on??? Sorry for the not so good chapter, but I think the ending is probably the best part or at least in my opinion it is.  3 P.O.V. s in one chapter!  Woot!!  Hoped you liked it!  Anyway, thanks for reading as usual and thanks for the votes and comments.  This story has over 5,000 reads!! Yay!  Thank you to everyone! Couldn't have done it without you guys! :D

P.S. Next chapter could come maybe sometime this week? (If I get time.. which probably isn't very likely..) And if not this week, then this weekend! 

Two Boys, One Girl, Three Hearts, and One YearWhere stories live. Discover now