13. I've Caught Jealousy

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Thursday September 2

Jason's P.O.V.

I walked into Dylan's hospital room to see him laying in his bed with Maya sitting next to him.  Not only is she sitting next to him, but she's also leaning in to kiss him.  How can this be!  She's going with me to the party tomorrow night!  We're practically dating already! 

 "Maya," I say angrily.

She's staring at me.  I can tell she's scared.  I walk over to where Dylan's bed is.  I grab the nearest thing to me, which happens to be a clipboard and throw it across the room.  Dylan's eyes widen and he puts his arms protectively around Maya.

She looks so scared and vulnerable.  I laugh evilly.  "What are you going to do Dylan?  Huh.  You're in a hospital bed and can't even remember the last couple of days of your life."

Dylan stares at me calmly.  "If it comes down to it, I'll protect her."

"Oh yeah?  Why would you?  You know, she's two timing us both!  She's suppose to be going to the party with me and she's in here puckering up to kiss you!"

Dylan stays calm.  I have no idea how he does it, but he does. 

"I'm sorry Jason!  I really am, but I like Dylan more!" her voice trembles as she speaks.

"Not good enough," I say as I storm over to her and get ready to slap her, but before my hand can reach her Dylan pushes it away.

"So you're still going to protect her?  She's MINE.  MY property," I sneer.

"That's not true.  She's no one's property."

I growl at him and getting ready to hit him when I'm yanked from the room by two security guards.  Grr.  How did they find me?

I start struggling and squirming.  I almost get free, but then they gather more back up.  It takes 4 buff looking guys to keep me from getting away.

Maya's P.O.V.

I just witnessed more acts of aggression from Jason.  When will it end?  I thought he had some issues, but I'm not so sure I want to like him anymore.  I used to think that he was just misguided.  Now it's a whole lot worse than misguided.  He thinks he can own me?  No, definitely not.  I'm so glad Dylan's here.

Good thing Dylan was able to press the security button he was given in case someone came after him.  If those security guards wouldn't have come I don't know what would've happen.  I shutter.  Dylan wraps his arms around me more tightly. 

"It's ok.  It'll all be ok."

"How can you say that?" I ask Dylan.

"Well might as well be optimistic instead of a pessimist."

I leave out a long sigh.  "What if he would've hurt you or me or both of us?"

Dylan thinks it over for a second.  "If he would've tried to hurt you I would've protected you."  He waits a little before adding.  "Anyway, let's not worry about "What ifs" let's just be thankful that we're both ok."

So he would protect me, but what about him?  I look up at Dylan.  He's gently caressing my hair. 

"Shouldn't you be going home?  It's 9:30 and you have school tomorrow."

I look up at him and stare at him face to face.  "What are you, my mom?" I joke.

He chuckles.  "Yeah, I guess I should be getting home.  Bye," I lean in and kiss his cheek.

"Bye," he says softly.

I leave his room and go to the waiting room where I'm betting my parents are waiting for me.  When I get there, sure enough, my parents are waiting to take me home.  There's no doubt in my mind that I'm coming back to visit Dylan tomorrow.  Maybe he'll have his memory back and everything will be ok again, except for Jason.

What are the security guards going to do with him?  I bet they won't through him in jail, so he'll probably be at school tomorrow.  Oh great!  Just what I need!  I don't want to go to the party with him anymore!  He'll probably be telling everyone how I'm "his property" and that they can't look or touch.  Jason can be such a big jerk sometimes! 

If only he knew how it feels.  To see someone you're friends with and you sort of like, going around one day and being all super nice and the next beating up on his cousin who happens to be you're friend too and you like him as well.  No.  I bet Jason has no idea how it feels.  He doesn't understand me and I bet this is all just a game to him! 

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